LoTR PC Game Review

if you´re 6 years old this is the game for ya, otherwise don´t waste your time and money with that game.


  • Good graphics;


  • very short;
  • very easy;
  • poor gameplay;
  • not so good sound;
  • bad camera movimentation.

Mind you that i´m a huge tolkien fan.

6 years old? lol! Check out Harry Potter! :stuck_out_tongue:

Lord of the Rings: the Twin Towers is dope for PS2. i have yet to beat it but the cinematography is cool, and the battle scenes are intense. Good game all around…

i just finished reading LOTR part 3: Return of the King

dunno about games, books seem magical too me…the movies were alright but the books are something else IMO

its like travelling to a whole new world…i don’t know how to explain it except that its magical and a big time stress reliever (reading that is)

*Originally posted by Makaveli *
**i just finished reading LOTR part 3: Return of the King

dunno about games, books seem magical too me…the movies were alright but the books are something else IMO

its like travelling to a whole new world…i don’t know how to explain it except that its magical and a big time stress reliever (reading that is) **

Yeah mak. It is magical. but at the same time you feel like it´s not.
That´s the great thing about tolkien, he brings all this wonderful characters (elves, dwarfs, ishtaris, maias, valars) to an everyday life. Little by little you get used to them, and the fantasy hides itself behind the story and the trama.
Tolkien does not try to impress you with the magic and fantasy of his tales, like star trek or star wars, but in the end you can help yourself and you get amazed by all aspects of this wonderful tale.

If you get a chance to read Tolkien´s The Hobbit and Silmarillion, do it. Very nice reading material.

And mind you that tolkien thought of middle earth as the earth in the very beginning.

i was gonna get Silmarillion soon, but i don’t really want The Hobbit… i don’t really want to read about Bilbo or Goullum

the ending of Sauraman was disappointing…i wish he ended up fighting against Gandalf and Gandalf whooped him, its sad how low Sauraman fell

Most games that are based on a movie or tv show or book, like LotR, Spiderman. etc… are usually pretty bad. They rely on the name to sell the game, not the quality of the game.

Nali: i think you´re right buddy :slight_smile:

Mak: did you? well, i think that the the ending of saruman was great. The way he lost his powers and the way he died… a man without true friends…

And, in hobbit you don´t get to see golum very much, you see more of him in LoTR, but you see bilbo all the time :wink:

well guig0 i DID like the ending…but i think it woulda been cooler if he went out with a BANG instead of a whimper…i dunno thats why i love action movies, even if Bad guy is shot 50 times, he somehow comes back and causes damage!! :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

i think i WILL read The Hobbit as he goes everywhere…i want to learn more about everything…all of valar

since you want to know more about tolkien´s world, i recomend these books:

  • hobbit;
  • silmarillion;
  • lost tales 1;
  • lost tales 2;
  • unfinished tales.

I´ve read them all, and the last three are kindaof complicated, but if you read all of them, in that order, you will have no problems. And they´re awesome! =)

yea i read LOTR each book in like 1 day…about 10 hours…i am a fanatic when something catches my interest, maybe thats why girls think i’m stalking them… :skull:

ok you have convinced me…i shall read all of them if i can get my hands on them, hopefully my library will have it!!

i love the books and the movie, awesome animation !!! great story great movies.

but totally off the subject if you want a good game, check out Tom clancy’s splinter cell!!! on the PC , Woooahhh now thats a game that will wow you in everyway! :o :o

Thanks for the tip soulty, i´ll check this game :wink:

Have you played mafia? is it any good? i´m thinking in buying this game… :-\

nah , havent played it , yet heard good things about it,

there is a really good game site called ign

u can find some reviews about alot of games there, and should be something on mafia.

here is the mafia review if the link works


is Tom Clancy’s Splinter Shell a 1st Person Shooter like Ghost Recon, and his other Rainbow Six games?

Dare i say like Metal gear Solid , and even better !!!

take a look for yourselve, www.splintercell.com

Thanks for the links soulty :wink:

what a great review :!: i´ll definitively gonna buy this game =)

no probs Guig0! its a great site. Very up to date.

*Originally posted by Majeye *
**is Tom Clancy’s Splinter Shell a 1st Person Shooter like Ghost Recon, and his other Rainbow Six games? **

Not to be a game dork here, but splinter cell is not a first person shooter. Actually it is a 3’rd person perspective game. Similar to Metal Gear or Tomb roaider in perspective, but the gameplay of the game is incredible.

In what other game can you sneak up to someone, put your gun to thier head and interrogate them. Only to blow thier brains all over the wall when you get what you need from them.

ok…im done :evil: :evil:

fester8542 no one said it was a first person , Majeye asked, and i said it was like metal gear solid.

but anyway , yeah you gotta love that interrogate , and using your victim as a human shield!!!

:: by the way i can only knock them out when i interrogate them , how did you blow there brains out??:-\