Hey, I really need your help here. I’m looking for a Mac laptop, but dont have any clue on them, so here are my questions:
First, what is the difference between the iBook and the Power Book? Good/bad sides?
Second, they dont seem to have so good processor (spelling?) with only 1,33/1,55 Ghz, and 256/512 MB DDR ram, what makes the mac so good? my PC has like 1,7Ghz and 512 Ram, but it is slow…any help here?
Third, do they have DVD burners? What size is recommended, i guess 14/15-inch, because 17 gets alittle big.
Fourth, what is the best OS? I guess OS X, but then I see it is like OS X “panther” and “tiger”, any help here?
Mmm, thats about all I think. Anything I should know about? And I heard that they are going to start selling with G5 processors from IBM in the second quarter of 2005, any thoughts here? Should I wait till then?
Any help is very much appreciated and any tips/thought are welcomed.