First Off This Thread Has One Rule: [color=Magenta]Dont turn this thread into a flame war, Microsoft Vs Mac, or anything similar.[/color]
[size=1]The purpose of this thread is just to explain my experience with using a Dual Processor Mac G5 at University for the last 3 weeks.
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[/size] [left][size=1]Well as some of you know this year im studing Multimedia at university, anyway cut things short, the computers we use are Dual Processor Mac G5’s. Iv always been a PC user and havnt used a mac until 3 weeks ago, I was looking forward to using this Mac G5 alot, from all the hype about Mac’s on these and other forums, however it hasnt been smooth sailing to be, my experience with Mac’s is as follows:[/size]
Some Bads:
1)** They dont have scroll wheels on their mouses!! Also they dont have a right click and to right click you need to hold Ctrl and then click.
**2) **They have OS 10.something on them, and iv gotta say i really dont like the Operating System that Mac uses. Windows feels alot more customizable, laid back, and I feel that I have more control over Windows XP than OS 10.something.
**3) **To remove a USB Key, you can just pull it out, but your ment to right click it and then select remove device or drag it to the trash can, Where as a PC you can just remove it :D!
4) **Its hard to find software thats compatible on them, where as Windows you can basicly use anything and everything, apart from mac products im guessing.
**Some Goods:
- **The G5 Cases are Awsom! The G5 17inch Monitors are very sexy!
**2) **The Keyboard is pretty nifty, I know you can get good ones for PC’s that do everything, but the mac ones are plain and simple and nice!
**3) **The power of the Dual Processor G5 is ABSOLUTLY AWSOM!
**4) **Some of the software for Mac’s is also good, and id love to have it on PC, such as Final Cut Pro and there is a Sound Making program too.
**Well as you can see I like external equipment more than the software. If you could have Mac hardware, minus the mouse, but with Windows XP running on it, id be in heaven!! I dont like the Mac Operating System at all, prefer Windows alot more over OS 10.something much much better. And after reading all the past threads that turn into Mac V’s PC flame wars, I really dont see the big deal why alot of you love using Mac’s. Id prefer my PC anyday running Windows XP Pro.