yahooooo! the g5 chip is here!!! check out the official apple websites!!! faster than any pc!!! woohoo!!! (shame ive only just paid my debts…cos ill be getting one of these beasts) oh, note to pc users - dual 2ghz baby!-read the specs!
That’s awesome. But what you going to use it for? Making multimedia no one else can use cause you have to have a computer as fast as the G5. or playing games? You now have 8 to choose from since the Warcraft 3 expansion is coming out July 1.
They’ve got the hardware, now they need to get some software (and vid. cards) to go with it. Also, how much is it gonna cost?
Hey mario wazzap?? how’s the baby (your real daughter not your ibook lol )
we’ve missed you man, wazzap wit dat??
well heres what i think bro so dont get offended ok?? its all good
looks nice and pretty like all macs do but i gotta test it in order to believe its better, we have a dual processor g4 at work and it couldnt open a 350 mb psd i made in photoshop on my amd 1.8 ghz at 300dpi it said it needed more memory and both computers have 512 o ram so i really dont know whats the diffrence, i use macs i even own one and im not going to argue which is best, i use both to have variety but i cant believe everything i read, till i test it out and see a real diffrence, i wont waste $2,000 bucks on a new computer, then again thats just me.
hey grim! daisy mai is fine and coming on well! ive got a powerbook, not an ibook!(im a professional you know!lol)
as for macs, it really depends on how the systems are set up - at work we use single processor g4’s and they can handle files larger than 350mb easily! being used to macs the specs for the machine really exite me - 1GHz frontside bus on each chip, man thats some serious bandwidth!oh, dont get me started…
not sure on the looks - but im sure they will grow on me!
Anyways, is the only difference between the G5 and G4 the processor speed? Is there any operating system change?
Macs weren’t my favorite and still isn’t. The first mac I used is when I was in elementary school. Thats when my hatred begun. Since then, never liked macs and not much appreciation for the people that use them. Not saying I hate mariofan or anything.
Panther is coming out too 10.3 - The G5 is also 64-bit (as opposed to 32) Theres a lot of memory and bandwidth improvement along with it too… theres a lot to drool over. I cant wait to test out a panthered G5. Im dying to see how far theyve come in this jump. Nonetheless, my next computer will be a PC.