I was discussing with a friend about this topic and of course it´s hopeless, I got my point of view he has his own, I would like to hear some of your opinions
I always loved using PCs, since Macs are a bit slower (Unless you get a G5, but it costs).
Well yes the G5 is an impressive display of MAC power :cap: but there are a lot of PC’s out there which can beat the crap out of it… thats one thing I don’t like about MAC’s… only Apple makes them. On the other hand, the PC is manufactured by so many different companies that its really a lot easier to get performance on.
I prefer PC, but its all good
Sounds like this threads full of PC fanboy’s to me (-: Have any of you used Macs before? Not talking like browsing the internet either, or school computers. It doesn’t matter if PCs are manufactured by 1000 companies, if everythings crap its not deal I prefer Mac over PC, but I sitll use PC fulltime. Mac’s are upgradable, just as customizable as PCs are, Macs can do anything PCs can do, and there are some games out for Mac… I don’t see any point there thats valid. Give evidence.
*Originally posted by Colin Campbell *
**Sounds like this threads full of PC fanboy’s to me (-: Have any of you used Macs before? Not talking like browsing the internet either, or school computers. It doesn’t matter if PCs are manufactured by 1000 companies, if everythings crap its not dealI prefer Mac over PC, but I sitll use PC fulltime. Mac’s are upgradable, just as customizable as PCs are, Macs can do anything PCs can do, and there are some games out for Mac… I don’t see any point there thats valid. Give evidence.
Sen you little… shakes fist like old man
I gave lots of reasons why I don’t like Macs in the past.
There are lots of things I don’t like about PCs too, but I like them more. Its mostly little things, but they can go a long way
colin if you want some reasons why macs are better than pcs, and you are saying they are basically equal, you have to support your argument too. why should i choose a mac over pc? explain yourself before you ask others to. :elderly:
They’re both good in their own ways but i can dom more “Cool” stuff with my PC than with a MAC, and the fact that i can use basically any program thats made on a PC can’t say the same about a MAC :-/
*Originally posted by graphicslash *
**colin if you want some reasons why macs are better than pcs, and you are saying they are basically equal, you have to support your argument too. why should i choose a mac over pc? explain yourself before you ask others to. :elderly: **
How can I make a good counter-argument if theres no argument to start with from the other side? (-:
Theres no reason why Mac’s cannot be upgraded. People just don’t do it. I’ve upgraded my Mac’s hard drive twice. This also has to do with the fact that 95% of the world’s computers are running Windows. Of course theres going to be more documentation of this sort being done on PC.
Using Applescript, you can write your own applications in literally seconds that can do just about anything you want it to do. Send files to the web, leave a message at a certain time, I don’t see how PCs get more software customizable. Hardware-wise, theres nothing on/in a Mac stopping you from modding your case, etc.
Theres no advantage that PCs have over Macs. With the G5, the Mac’s hardware has definitly caught up with PC hardware. "there are a lot of PC’s out there which can beat the crap out of it… " You can say that, but can’t back it up. In which benchmarks did you read this?
I admit, the amount of games are TONS better on PC, but with the G5, developers are starting to pay attention to Mac more. Halo is out for Mac, and is 10x as good (netcode for Halo Mac owns Halo PCs netcode, and I’ve played Halo PC online 50+ hours) Slowly but surely. see 95% argument in #1
Not only that, there is a new project by an opensource team that will be modifying Mac OS X’s core, Darwin, so it can run .exe’s. Lets get some good response’s here, this could be a good one.
*Originally posted by Colin Campbell *
**Not only that, there is a new project by an opensource team that will be modifying Mac OS X’s core, Darwin, so it can run .exe’s.Lets get some good response’s here, this could be a good one. **
that’ll be extrememly hard… windows apps are distributed in binary form, so modifying them to run on another architecture is nearly impossible.
*Originally posted by Colin Campbell *
**Sounds like this threads full of PC fanboy’s to me (-: **
You hit the nail on the head right there! I have been in this debate on this forum in the past. It’s as hopeless as debating with your friend. I was an avowed PC snob before… I walked those steps. It was pretty useless to convince the old me with words too. Good luck though.
There is actually a very small group of Mac users (mdipi, mariofan and myself for sure). I love how the hardware works together seamlessly. Sure… I did pay more than the average PC user for this - but if it means I never have to go to Fry’s electronics again to get more ram, replace a motherboard, and replace the FUBR hardware of the moment, or visit the resident dorm geek to check out my computer then I think I definitely got my money’s worth.
It’s not that I don’t like PCs/Windows. I just don’t work well with them. They make me tired and I hate guessing just why something or another thing won’t work. This happened for over 5 years. If you have a better experience, then good for you. In the end, to each his own…
Macs are cheap and stupid.
I put a cd in there and it restarted…huh?
that’s why I like linux: I like a challenge
I think macs are OK. I especially like the way that Apple is basing their products off Open-Source software (Safari is Konqueror) and BSD… I think they’re setting a precedent for Linux vendors to make their products sexier and more user-friendly.
They’re good machines as well - very fast and secure.
I like PCs in general because there is more hardware and they’re more open in the way they’re designed - less proprietary. There is always an alternative with PCs.