okay, im totally n00b, i dont know how to create a slide show
this is what i have:
3 different movie clips
3 buttons (forward, backward, repeat)
i basically want the buttons to always stay on the right side of the page and act as a little navigation bar.
the movie clips are named movie1 movie2 movie3
i want to be able to move inbetween them. however, on movie1, when you press the backward button, it should do anything (there is no previous clip). and on movie3, when you press the forward button, it also shouldnt do anything.
i had an idea to set 3 variables at the beginning of each movie,
those variables would contain a number, which corresponds to the frame number of the next movie, the previous movie, and the current movie, and have the buttons gotoAndPlay the frame value of those variables.
first of all, how do i make this work? (how do i get the buttons to DO something, all i know how to do is rollovers).
next, is the setting variables thingie a good idea, or is there an easier way?
3rd, how do i get previous to not work on the first movie, and get next to not work on the third movie?
any help would be GREATLY appreciated, if you could make a quik demo .fla thatd be GREAT too.
thanks! i will try asap, and post if this worked…
uhm… not really sure but what happens if i pressed the “previous” button if im on the first movie clip
man… im so stupid, i still cant get this to work, leme attach wat i have. how do you make the movie not default to looping when you export it? i also put a stop action in the second frame, so the thing wont blast off and do all the clips. none of the buttons work, i think im doing it wrong.