firts of all I I have to say that this is a really great forum! I really enjoy to read all of this really helpfull topics.
Especially Scottys resize gallery is a really great file for me.
But how can I say, there are some things I really like to change but I´m very new to flash and its impossible for me. Maybe somebody of you could give me a litle help?
I searched all of the topics for scottys gallery and a bit further i got, but now I don´t know how to go on.
here is my imagination for the gallery I´d like to use as portfolio:
*I want the gallery not with thumbnails as pictures but as small buttons, wich appear after and after. -works already-
*the second thing is , that I want the first image load imediatly and not at the end when the last thumbnailbutton has appeared - doesen´t work -
*the buttons should be smaller and more in one row -doesen´t work-
*the already klicked buttons should stay in another colour -doensen´t work-
*buttons should be scrollable -works-
*this is a very important thing: some pictures have other views, for example a cd-cover, has a front and a back, so I want if you klick on a buton an that is a picture with different views, there should appear buttons on the top of the image. so that you can choose there the different views. - that doesen´t work-
*there should be an info button at the bottom of each imgage, so when you click on it, ist slides out an theres is more information about the picture, and maybe a domain you can click… -doensen´t work-
Ok, I think it´s very much that I want to change, and maybe it´s not possible to solve,but maybe somebody of you could try to help ,me.
I could pay a lillte money for that also…
heres an image of what I´m talking about:
I hope it´s more clear if you see the imgae.
here´s the file I´m working with: