
heh where is the most craziest place you guys have ever solve maths problem on? well i just did one question at the toilet a few moments ago! kinda interesting!!

craziest place?
SCHOOL! :stuck_out_tongue:

heh i didn’t know i can solve a mathematical question at such a confined space

I have a book on mensa problems, and my friends keep complaining that I try to solve them all the time and that I don’t pay attention with them. Like last year, we did a bunch of things - we had a get together, we went to a restaurant, we went to a bar, and I was trying to figure out the answer to the problem the whole time. They didn’t have fun.

Anyways, if you want to know what it was, here it is: Find a 10 digit number so that it’s divisible by n at the nth place, without repeating numbers.

For example - 2 is divisible by 1. 24 is divisible by two, 243 is divisible by three… and so on.

i hate math. hate it. nuff said.

what are you talking about? math rules :thumb:

math is the best! i love it! but home would be the weirdedst place.

mathS with an S!

(bloody americans ;);))

is that what you brits call it over there? maths?

i hate math…

im really not to good at it. :frowning:

*Originally posted by *
**is that what you brits call it over there? maths? **
but of course! only fools call it math :wink:

eh… many people here are smarter than you, so there.

lies! d*mn lies… and… statistics :beam:

I watch it occasionally… my parents are avid fans though :wink:

whoops… accidentally erased my post.

I said… oh do we have a west wing watcher?

I have every episode on my computer.

heh math the language of gods

stop saying math! :angry:


i agree with cowb’ after all maths is an abbreviation of mathematicS

maths, need 'em but hate 'em we currently studying stoopid Euler equations. Barhhh…