mDJ Studios v2 - i need your comments/suggestions please

i finally made mDJ Studios v2. I would really appreciate all the comments or suggestions i could get. Thanks!

heres a linky:

1.) Your logo is very similar to, but I think he’s some unknown designer.

2.) It’s a personal pet peeve, but I hate splash screens. Unless you have a Flash and HTML version you don’t need a splash screen. You’re just delaying the visitor from getting to your site.

3.) I really like the style you’ve got going. The sort of tech / industrial thing, but your menu items seem to lose that feel. To me they look like they were done real fast and not given the same care as the rest of the layout.

Nice work overall though.

Nice site but it needs to be more dynamic. Instead of having the site just fade in why not have it drawing in piece by piece? (Masks)

I like this version much better than your last. I think it shows off your style more. The masks are nice and I like the splash screen, although useless is still sweet. The colors are a combination I particularly enjoy!

I agree on the buttons, they look really out of place and I think could be utilized much better with more style and a nice rollover. Perhaps you could do more with animation to work with the style of your page. Maybe something like flash gordon suggested. Maybe try sprucing up your content a little more, most of it is plain text with little added.

Minor things: Your link is bright green and looks quite out of place. The green just wouldn’t let my eyes go of that blasted link. The player says playing regaurdless if it’s stopped or not.The font next the contact me form fields looks weird or fat or something, maybe it needs to be changed to one of the other fonts you’re using. It didn’t come back after it happened once, but there’s a possible bug. When I clicked on the example of photo re-touching page, there was a small black box over top of the content.

Site looks great though, nice use of the dynamic componnents as well!

thanks for all the comments. great, now i have to work many more hours on this site… :-\

i am really tempted to make a new site. one much more calm and flashy.

whao the logo at does look almost the same… i thought u were referring to the one… they have 2 logos then i guess. is the design studio. is their hosting service. Don’t make a new site. I love the style and colours of this one. Just fix those buttons and the other little niggles.

really? :slight_smile: that makes me happy! should i make the buttons not move so deeply or when u mouse over them just have them fade a little or something? btw: is my site too processor intensive for any of you? maybe you have fast computers so you just cant tell.

well i was thinking, my site is a bit too complex and all. maybe i should make one less complex and less processor intensive?

i think the style is cool… loved it upto when the menu buttons came in (what every1 else said)

it totally dominates your work, but as you want to do web design, maybe its not a problem…

It’s a bit laggy for me but my computer sucks so don’t rely on my opinion. I don’t know what you should do with the buttons. Just browse around and inspiration will soon hit you. :trout:

take a look at this, compare the buttons…

Take away the fade (gradient) and the new button is an improvement but I still dont think they compliment the site enough.

updated the buttons! :slight_smile:

No you didn’t. :trout:

yes i did! if you want ill rename the buttons.swf to button.swf because there is a buttons.swf loading everytime instantly because its in your temporary int. files. all you have to do is delete buttons.swf from your tmp files. for IE
you go:

tools>internet options>setting>view files>button.swf :slight_smile:
ill rename it anyway :sleep:

What’s the difference between one and three? You still have that gradient fade on them all that doesn’t fit with the site. The other designs are too complicated. Go for simple. Make the buttons look like just another part of your site.

oh i see, i think i know what you mean now :slight_smile:

how bout now?