I like your 3D! So shiny and robotic! Nice work! Can’t wait to see the animation!
Thanks Syko, I’ll keep you guys posted. =)
I love it :beam: strokes it
I’m glad you like my snake now stop stroking your’s!!
What a cool snake EG, I also have one of those between my legs, it is not blue, but it does have those red eyes!
*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**What a cool snake EG, I also have one of those between my legs, it is not blue, but it does have those red eyes! **
Dan, I don’t think that’s something you should brag about. I suggest seeing a physician for that.
Great work EG :thumb: !
lolol, enough snake jokes :sure:
Thanks Voetsjoeba =)
Soul, is that how you came up with your logo? The idea came gushing out of you after you stroked your snake?
Ewwww!! Noooo, don’t say that, I’ll think that everytime I see it now!!
- Soul :s:
who that looks so…shinny. you have inspired me again too! i love those eyes and that material…
*Originally posted by Soul *
**Ewwww!! Noooo, don’t say that, I’ll think that everytime I see it now!!
- Soul :s: **
lol! logo ruined? Cool to look at yur own logo and think of something like that! lol!
lol. thats why do dotn make your logos like that :trout:
*Originally posted by Syko *
**lol! logo ruined? Cool to look at yur own logo and think of something like that! lol!**
I guess it is kind of manly and symbollic. I’m keeping it anyway because its sexeh :bad:
- Soul :s:
wow, to continue the perpetual praise…WOW
how did you do that?? because I can see in a snake how you can repeat an object (for the links of the snake) and then did you just resize them acordingly and link them via bones or something??
either way, very professional
Pewter, you’re correct about creating an object and repeating it. That’s exactly what I did since this is a low poly model. Without the textures it would look really plain.
gotta ask how did you make it?
splines, nurbs, poly modelling ?
I need to learn 3d more because i really struggle modelling things :).
Each section started out as a platonic sphere and I made them editable and use the polygon tool to mold each sphere.
Now I’m in the process of applying IK to it so that I can animate it.
so they were just friends?
Rev, yes.