Hey guys.
I drew this a few days ago and decided to scan it in and trace it and color it and what not… well first off, my drawing looked a lot better, but when I inked it I kinda killed it and my flash tracing abilities kinda sorta aren’t all that great. Well anyway, now I get to fix it up in Photoshop:beam:
So this is it so far… but I’m stuck because I don’t remember what colors the dang thing is supposed to be and I can’t find a freakin picture. So here it is, that wierd lego guy from Megaman:
cool! I like the shades on the head! make it all in color!!!
I’m gonna when I figure out the dang colors
pretty cool!
Figured out the colors… wooo…
I’ll post the final peice in a few hours or something.
im tired
Its ok…
Nah I’m kidding its very cool, original shading style, don’t think I’ve seen it :thumb:
- Soul :s:
i dont think ive seen it either…
actually… thats my “Smudge for 6 hours” shading style… lol
that bad eh?
looks good, but try taking out the black outline to make it look a tad more realistic… may work for that may not. but overall i like it