=) great job Mariofan. you got my vote!
Very good job Mariofan! I don’t really like the European Metroid Prime website like everybody else in here…OK, it has the cool 3D-like game in it, but it didn’t “wow” me.
I really hope you win the contest, you deserve it! :A+:
Very good site Mariofan well done.
cheers everybody - im on a real high now thanks to you lot!!! kirupa seems to be a better place once more!!
reland - i spent two days on it because i thought i had another month on the deadline (really only two days)
there was so much more i wanted to include but just didnt have the time…
*Originally posted by mariofan *
**but it had to be in for the 4th! doh, doh, doh - i still cant belive i missed a title…
Grim, from now on i shall personally pm you with everysite i do! (if you dont mind) … lol **
dood no problem thats what were here for to help each other out i would be more than happy to help you or anyone else in the forum even though some people dispise me rotflmao
oh, did you not win mario? or is it not over yet?
the deadline has passed, but the winners will be told on the 30th april!
Ye i like this site alot, very nice style and its fast 2, aint got a clue what the game is though :S
its a first person shooter and its very smooooooth indeed…
ahhh, i usally only play them games on the pc, with mouse, cant get hang of controlling gun with a joypad, hence me playing cs alot
im the oposite - i prefer to play with a joypad! i like to use my mac for design / internet only (games really make me unproductive - if ive got a deadline i take my powerbook upstairs to get away from the consoles…)
Lol and thats when u realise u got a snes emulator installed on it to play games on the move :beam:. I aint got that problem yet cause i can’t design good websites so i dont get customers
i removed the emulators a couple of days ago - honest…
emu’s are evil. They take up way to much of your time if your not careful.