If you wish to be considered for the SOTW for February 7 through February 13, 2003, please read the summary of rules:
Reply by Thursday, February 13 to be considered for this week’s award.
Include the URL and your email address. Only the webmaster/creator of the site can submit.
Websites submitted must be at least 90% Flash. Sites that have HTML pages with a Flash intro are ineligible.
While it is understood that sites are perpetually under construction, please submit only complete sites. Do not submit a site that is less than 80% finished.
Submissions must be actual websites with sections and content. Examples of ineligible include (but aren’t limited to) flash games, movies, etc.
There will be a private poll among the moderators and a winner will be announced on Monday, February 17, 2003.
No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check.
For more information or questions, please refer to the comprehensive rules for SOTW. Once you have read and understand the rules above, you may submit your site to this thread. Sites not adhering to the rules above will be disqualified and deleted. Submitting your site is an agreement and acceptance of the rules.
Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Check back later as mod critiques will be posted later today.
This past week also marks the highest number of mod participation for SOTW. A million thanks guys!
I love this site. For me everything loads fast, the menu is simple and easy to read.
Nice site Nice colors, very small loading times, that’s very good. But the site is a bit dull. I don’t know, sometimes I got the feeling I was watching an HTML site. I don’t expect to be flashy and all, but nice transitions would be welcome And I must tell you that I LOVED the site containing all the artwork: the inks are AMAZING!!
Wow. Nice colors, nice design, smooth, clean, easy to navigation, each to function. Great site.
Comicgeek’s site was more “human” and was just a nice place to be.
Pretty cool, I liked this one. Especially the three bouncy things at the bottom. I was a little disappointed that you couldn’t play with them though. Funky though they are, I’m not sure they fit in with the whole look of the site. Nice colour scheme in general, although I’m not too keen on the font used in the graphics. Nice little effect on the portfolio section, where the highlight tracked your mouse from picture to picture.
comicgeek is a ripoff of egomedia.
as per vts…
one thing that bugged me here,
@ penmings,
@.ma’s sites:
TOO MUCH ANIMATION playin’ all the time!
smarties, revolving cubes, blinking stuff…stoooop…!
Cute eggs and unique color combination (by “unique” I mean not bluish grey). I also like the basic interface. However, the eggs seem like they’re a little out of place. I think this site is well organized and easy to get around. Comicgeek makes good use of basic animations and shapes. Aside from the cheesy use of stock photography watermarking the background, I think it’s an all around great site!
Same thing, every thing is simple easy to read. Although seems to be lacking in content…
That’s grrrrrrreat!! I love the clean look of the site, the very nice navigation, even though I think that the portfolio should come before all the other sections and not at last. The sound loop is cool too, and doesn’t become annoying after 30 seconds No, seriously, a very good site, I love it (the only thing that doesn’t fit is that tsunami effect in the portfolio).
Another Wow. Even better is that even though it is a spanish site you can change it to English right there without having to reload a whole new site. I loved the layout and the transitions.
Silverado’s site is really sharp and nice. Since this is a Flash contest, I voted for Silverado’s site because it was more professional and made a great first impression.
Who, like, tiny font! I could barely read those buttons. Maybe it’s just my hi res screen. Very minimalist… Maybe too much so. There wasn’t really much of interest on this one for me. Sorry.
nice, clean.
critics: it’s to damn SMALL! (19") thus:
menu items a bit hard to click (i’m tired)
why is the link section empty before you select
one of the three items?!
Fantastic! An interesting yet usable menu system. One good way to test a site’s usability is to see if it is still easy to navigate if all the text was in a different language. Needless to say, silverado’s site passes this test for me! The fonts are a little too small, but it’s no big deal. I love this site. Easily my pick for this week.
You have the makings of a great site, howevre I don’t feel its quite there yet. You have only scratched the surface of what is possible with Flash… Keep going.
As Jub said, it’s not quite there yet. But the main thing’s here: a good navigation. Not you’ll have to work on the design, and especially on the texts, whose font AND color really harmed my eyes .
Those colors are painful. You should have your tutorials and other html pages open in a new window so viewers don’t have to go back everytime they look at one and then they have to start over. Not quite there yet, but keep at it and work on your design.
Let me make one thing clear - I hate the Gator Corporation with a passion they can only dream of. Shame one of their product download windows appeared. Didn’t really like the spinning text or the Times New Roman font on the updates. Nice background image, but shame about the red text. Overall, very plain and boring, I’m afraid.
It’s a good start, but there are still a lot of design elements to learn and work on. The color combination is a little awkward - auburns and goldenrods in the background combined with a red, white and blue foreground is an eyesore. I also find the 3d animations to be very out of place and improperly used. There’s a lot of inconsistency with this site… in design as well as function - some sections open up in a new window while others load in the same window (forcing viewers to reload the flash animation all over again). In addition, there seems to be no layout consistency between the sections and the HTML portions of the page don’t look “designed” at all. However it is a good starting point… I just don’t think it’s in the same league as the other competitors.
Site was awesome. Navigation was easy and the animation was cool. Even gave the option to skip that. Only problem was that I couldn’t find an off-switch for the music, and when I am listening to Counting Crows I don’t like to hear other music overlapping it Nice site.
Very nice here once again. The transitions particularly are very well done. The pages are a bit busy though.
Great site, nice (but long) transitions, and cool music that fits the site BUT that music needs an off button. It started to get very annoying after a while. While doing this critique I don’t listen to music while browsing, but I can tell you right now that this music wouldn’t fit with drum and bass techno in the background. Other than the music button and the semi-long (although very nice) transitions, this site is great.
This one was soooo groovy. I liked the little jumpy box, that told me not to touch it (I did anyway, of course). And it’s like, a little character! With its own birthday! The artistic skills of this guy are great - fantastic colours, layout, font - and the image to the left hand side was very cool. It was one of those sites that grabs your interest. So many little things to follow, all those bouncing boxes… And when you clicked on a menu item, the way the box blew up and the stuff came out… I could wax lyrical about this site for pages, I really could. My only big gripe would be that although the transitions from one section to another are beautiful, they do take quite a while.
i voted for .ma
german fella: very good site! (joking…)
nice 3D fx,
unreadable menu coz of font, too bad…
Whoah! Stuff… flying… everywhere. At first, I was impressed by the little bouncing cube. I was expecting a simplistic, well designed site. I was wrong. I would like this page, only there is too much animation going on at the same time that the resulting page is very busy and noisy. The visual hierarchy isn’t clear. I do love how the larger cubes on the left side re-arrange between each section, however it does take a little long and gets redundant after the third or so click. The font used for the menu and logo is also a little awkward and doesn’t flatter the clean lines. It has great potential… I think it would get a whole lot more vote if there weren’t so many bouncing cubes everywhere.
Man… your site is great too, but again, the competition was extremely good.
Again? Ah well… This time it actually loaded, which was a plus, but it was a huge file and took absolutely ages. I dunno, the bug was cute, but it was a very long winded intro. Nice idea, but again, the trasitions seemed to take forever too. Not particularly inspired by this one.
oh man, get rid of that photo
the “enter” button is all the way off in the right corner, make it accessible, and why open a new browser?!
nice intro & transitions
Oh sanjay! Same as last time. I love this site and it will win someday… if you don’t win this time, please submit again buddy.
Same thing as I said with Novatake. The site is nice and simple, but maybe a little too simple in my book. Flash is an extraordinary program and there is so much that can be done with it. Just be careful to not go in the other extreme and do crazy things. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should”
The site is cute, but not very professional. The leaves for instance, or the flying Ms, it’s a good idea but not very well done, unfortunately. And that green transition is definitely too flashy for me. It’s a very good start, but it still needs a bit of work.
Everything just seemed so oversized for me. It didn’t look very professional to me. And that bright bright bright green in the section transitions HAS to go.
Another site with a whole lot of loading. Once it had loaded, I liked the leaves idea and colour, but I didn’t think the bright green went well with it. Fairly nice and simple, not too wacky, but then again neither was it overly eyecatching.
no opinion…
portfolio: give some info on the folders contents on rollover!
While it was loading, there were flying Ms everywhere. I knew right then and there, I would not like this site. Besides, it took too long to load for my short fuse.
Again, nice site. I don’t like the images that drop down when you roll over the menu buttons. I feel like they should relate to the content of that section, and they don’t seem to do that. The calender is cool, but I don’t really see the purpose of it.
Takes forever to load and I’m on ADSL Anyway, the site is colorful and well organised, but I don’t like the navigation (with the tweened pictures).
Those load times are a bit extreme. I am on a cable modem and it still took a long time for me. I don’t see any purpose for those images scrolling down in the navigation. A lot of the text was hard to read due to blurriness and/or background image colors. And I saw no point to the calendar either.
Er… Not too keen on the old preloader there. Didn’t really do it for me, that sun. And again, a biiiig file to load. Nice overall style, I liked the calm mellow background images and the little sign. Relaxing colours too, what with the flowers and all.
too…hm…square? blocky? don’t know how to put that feeling/ impression into words…nice pics & animations…
Right off the bat - too long to load. There seems to be a lot of inconsistencies in design. It’s too busy and there are too many clashing colors. The sections also required more loading, but I think I’m done now.
No I got the color combo from Theory 7. I think that site is one of the webs greatest. why don’t you check it out for yourselves! Thanks mods. I hope to win this contest soon! hehehe :bad: