hey guys, this is what ive entered for a nintendo competition - do you think it will get anywhere? i was rather rushed and only spent two days on it…
That looks…FKG awsome… Great work that looks fantastic
Looks good , but the page says best in 800X600, but when viewed in that res it cuts the buttons off from the bottom of the page… With the frames page there’s no scroll bars and although you can drag the page down, it might throw some people off…
Holy shiat! You rock MarioFan! You win!
That is amazing dood really nice!
cheers for the input guys!
dave - it does fit on most browsers at 800x600 - maybe you have an extra toolbar on yours? the problem is i cant change it now though because the competition deadline has finished and ive allready submitted it!!! doh!
Very impressive mariofan, Metroid was one of my favorite games. =)
cheers eg ! yeah i agree metroid is smoooooth! great game!
Very cool. IT was clean and it loaded fast. THe navigation was tight and easy to follow. The text was clean and pretty easy to read. I sometimes found the orange a little hard to read but not a big problem wiht it. In the history section I would put a controled scrolling on it jsut so the user can stop it so they can read it easier.
Over all i really really liked this site. I didn’ty even know there was a compition going on for this. Is this somehting nintendo is putting on? Could u maybe link us to the site so we could see the other entries.
I think your entry wil lstand a pretty good chance. Good luck mariofan i hope u do well(-:
PS: T-O could you cut the swearing. every time i see u post you seem to need to swear. Kirupa put the filters on for a reason. He doesn’t want ppl to use them on his board.
all the entries are not going to be shown until the 30th april i think! but the competition was run by nintendo europe (www.nintendo-europe.com) it was open for everyone… but the deadline was the 4th :c . . . .
thanks for your input! but i cant change anything now because ive submitted it allready!
Oh well it isnt’ like there where any huge terible problems with the site.
The site is tight and my opion isn’t worth to much so i wouldn’t worry about it man. Good luck it would be sweet if you won. Wish i knew about he compition. I would have made some thing.
Agin Good luck man:)
i hope i win - the top ten get gamecubes with metroid prime - the best three get lifesize samus aran models!!!
MarioFan wins I bet.
mariofan, i gotta say, thats really amazing… i love all of your artwork… you have such a cool style… love the site
go u!
Wow, I love your sig mario, lol, I was wathcing it for a couple minutes before I checked out the site.
The site rocks! I love it! Gut!
*Originally posted by IshiXP *
**MarioFan wins I bet.
lol, in this post^ MF might be thought of as something else :beam:
GJ MARIO! gl, hope u win!
**** you man you makin me jelous you **** ***** your ****ing good i wish i could do that
thanks everybody!!! glad you all like it!!
Tell me the results afterwards.