Sorry about earlier, the post was deleted because the file was too big and i couldn’t post it. Made this one in Terragen. Is there a software which can add trees or shrubs? I have yet to purchase lightwave, but when i do, will i be able to import Terragen files into Lightwave and add trees and other objects, while still keeping the fog and sky settings from terragen, or will i have to start from scratch? Would there be anyone interested in doing a collaborative with me on this one? (i can’t draw and i thought it would look pretty good with a silhouette of someone standing in traditional clothing on the edge of the rocks looking out towards the castle.)
I have absolutely no idea about importing Terragen Meshes to LW but youver got yourself a pretty pic =)… Look on their website or for converting softwares… (i know 3dlinks had some… dunno if the site exists anymore)
Thanks mlk =) , i’ll try my best trying to find out about it. Ya, and just checked, 3d links is still online.
check this page especially:
I’ve only just started out using Terragen - it’s a very powerful app =)
Nice pic :thumb:
i think bryce has some trees and shrubs lol
Wow, thanks for the list mlk, it’s good
njs, thanks, terragen is extremely easy to use, i wish i knew how to use 3d apps like 3ds, maya and lightwave to model other objects into the scene.