My beautiful Home state

This is a photo i took…

its from the beatutiful moutains in wyoming =)


Sorry to burst your bubble… But i think that is a rendation in Bryce

nope didnt use bryce =)

Ok i didnt take it, but i did make it =)

still… quite a beutiful scene… even if nature didn’t produce it.

raydred, did you use Terragen to make that? It looks like some stuff a friend oof mine did with terragen.


bcogs, yep you got it =) Terragen is the best little terrain generator ive found =) plus its free =)

Heh! At first I didn’t even notice bu then I strted thinking “What strange mountains, and the water is just like the one I made in 3ds max”! lol
Very nice! :!:
Gotta try Terragen too!
Very nice!

so where can we get a legal, free copy of Taragen, Ray? :stuck_out_tongue:

Get a free copy right here!
I see that terragen uses heightmaps! They can be used in 4ds max too but the heightmap has to be created in ps or some kinda painting program and ind 3ds max there are not so many options for it cuz 3ds max is not only for landscapes it’s for everything! :slight_smile:
btw! I messed around with terragen and why do my Pictures turn out to be like 2d??(-: :!: :crazy: (-:

one more thing! 3ds max renders at the speed of light compared to this one!:beam:

This is my first pic in Terragen after a few experiments!
Nothing much but it’s a start! :beam:=):beam:

yea i do have to admit, the rendering on this takes forever, but its beautiful =)

I need to learn 3dmax, and then i need to buy a copy ( and thats expensive0…

Hmm i wonder about Maya =)

Well Ray, that depends on what ye want to do =)

3dsmax offers ease of use (sorta), and is quite understandable considering learning the tricks. Only drawback is, that modelling complex objects is SO friggin hard.

Maya, on the other hand, is a PAIN… Except at modelling… odd really… but it’s a hella lot easier to model in Maya then 3dsmax.

So, easy modelling choose Maya, easy effects and basic animations (incl motion capture, and the likings :P) choose 3dsmax. =)

Or just buy both! :slight_smile:

Personally I have 3dsmax, I like to make kewl effects :stuck_out_tongue: I know jack about modelling… did a dolphin waaaay back… friggin tough…

hmm… =)

well ive been modeling with Amorphium, its actually easyier for me=) hehe its a cool little program =)