More Work

You would be surprised what a few well placed shapes, strecthed out perspective and a good cam angle will do. Metal texture with an evening sky…lots of colors. I havent done that in a while though. That pic is really bout 1.5-2 years old. I have some of the original shapes that I used from Bryce to make a few of the posted pics. I will post them so you can see what got me started. I would make something…random shapes and then find something in it that I could twist to make it more evident. Let a mess up be the beginning of a nice pic. Yeah, I will see what I can do on a desktop.

Nah, actually don’t worry, it’s 1600x1200 anyway, so I’ll just use it as it is.

Never used bryce. What is it that you wouldn’t consider it 3D?

I just never had the control with it that I had with Maya or Soft.
I had to booleen to change the preset shapes. I couldnt really flat out draw a Curve and then create a shape from it. If I was messin around, I used Bryce. If I was doing something complex and much more serious, I would use the others. It was more like photopaint vs. photoshop. I didnt consider them to even be in the same league.

those are good but bryce is a 3d app. I lov bryce 5. Man those pics are tight. WHich picture is the one you used bryce on?

Yeah, dont get me wrong, I have seen some amazeing pics that have been done with Bryce…look like back drops of the elvin cities in the Lord of the Rings. It is 3D…I just never considered it in the same class when I thought of a 3D program. The heart in the self portrait came from Bryce and a lot of vector layers and transparencies. Also the face and rounded head on that bug guy. I added the antenna’s and eyes. I have the original pic that I started with in photoshop for both of them and I will post them.
Take care

Thanks…BTW :slight_smile:

how? thats vector? i thought it would be from 3ds or something…

Not Vector…purely photoshop. I will have to dig up the tut. I used to learn it. I created the original image, copied half of it and then flipped it horizontally. After I did that, I merged down, then copied that layer. Made it a screen or something along those lines. Flipped it around until I found something that I liked.Gave me a really cool pattern. Then you can copy pieces that you like, resize them, clean the edges and place them where I want with a layer mask. Its really easy to do and sooooo hard to explain. Added a transparent color layer (blue) and then adjusted to layer props. to overlay, I think. I will have to look.
Same with that pic thats called Organic. Thats a new one I figured out that I can post an explanation for. I do a lot of experimentation and save out many copies.

sweet thanks!