Motion paths

I’m very very new to Flash and am still at the prod-it-and-see-what-happens stage, so everything has to be explained to me in idiot-proof terms.

I’ve imported two bitmaps. They are identical photos of someone but in one the mouth is open: in the other it is shut. I’ve alternated them A-B-A-B etc to simulate lip-synching in time to the soundtrack. So far so good, whoopee.

Now, this is the bit I can’t work out how to do: while the character is lip-synching to the soundtrack, can I make it simultaneously glide across the screen on a motion path?

…And is there a less clumsy way to do the lip-synch/speech thing than the method I’m already using?

Any words of wisdom very gratefully received.:q:

from what i 've seen lip sync can be done a few ways, its which every way is easier for you, you can use shape tweens, you can use frame by frame animation.

about the motion path, are you making the object move in curves or straight lines?

if you want to move your object just left and right you wouldnt need to use a motion path, just motion tween your object to the left and right, i am pretty sure your lip sync should still work , but that depends on how you went about your lip sinc, from what ive read it should be ok. try it and c! :slight_smile:
good luck :smirk: