Motion Tweening Error

ok, first let me say i’m a newb so bear with me. i did the fading text tutorial in kirupa and it worked fine. then i did some other stuff for a while, trying to learn more, and went back to adding fading text somewhere. except that when i did it, i kept getting some error saying “Motion tweening will not occur on layers with ungrouped shapes or on layers with more than one group or symbol.” i know for a FACT i’ve done everything correctly according to the tutorial. maybe there’s some button i’ve checked recently that’s making that error occur. i’ve tried ungrouping them and stuff but so far nothing has worked. help pls :*(

it sounds like you just have some stray shape or graphic or something on the same layer as your tween and that will mess it up. If its nothing too complicated, start it again from scratch, or try seperating the tween solely to a new layer and try not to take any extras with it

here’s the .fla, maybe it’ll help show what’s wrong

the text is dynamic

:::: in order to use the motion tween with dynamic text you need to embed font outline, go to the properties palette, click in the movie and select the text, go to Character button on the far right of the properties and click on all characters or whatever is appropriate for your situation.


thx man =)