Mouseover Problems

I made an square into a button and in the OVER state, added some extra pictures and text which I wanted displayed.

I put my mouse over the square and I see my desired effect. But when I put my mouse over the empty space where the mouseover images will appear, they pop up too!

Can someone tell me why this happens and how I can fix it? :frowning:

You will need to call the pics some other way :slight_smile:

Try thisā€¦

Put all of your pics in an empty movie clip (Insert/Symbol).

Now, Position the clip where you want. Give the clip the instance name ā€œimagesā€. After you figure out where you want it, drag Frame 1 of your images clip so that it becomes frame 2.

Add a stop() action to Frame 1 (which is blank) and Frame 2 (which has the pics).

On the button, add these actionsā€¦

on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {

That should work.

I would set up an example .fla file, but I use MX, so you wouldnā€™t be able to open it.

it sounds to me like you have too much info in your HIT stateā€¦

you should have a keyframe with the place you want triggered when you roll over it with a mouse filled with a rectangle/elipse, and only that spaceā€¦

If you havenā€™t put a blank keyframe in the HIT state, then drew a rectangle, then you are using the OVER state as your HIT stateā€¦

I hope I didnā€™t confuse youā€¦


I think you misread rev.

The problem is that she added images to the over state.

And even though these images donā€™t show, if you mouse over their location in the Over state, they will appear, even if you arenā€™t over the button. Because technically, these are part of the button :slight_smile:

if you donā€™t put any kind of keyframe (like it is by default) into the HIT frame, it assumes the last keyframe played, or in this case the over state. If you make a separate hit state, then the images are still part of the button, just not part of the hit area.



Learn something new everyday :slight_smile:

Thanks rev =)

Yupā€¦ a button is still a 4 frame MC, so if you put something in frame 1, then donā€™t put anything in frames 2, 3, and 4, then in the movie it will look like frame 1 through all 4 frames ā€¦ =)

I hope this helps kgirlā€¦


thanks u 2 :slight_smile:

i managed to get it to work using the separate movie clip thingie and editing my OVER button from there =)