Just saw this on Saturday night, I liked it. Very funny, but also just a good movie. At first, I thought it was a little too Napolean Dynamite-ish, but it definitely came into its own after a bit.
I’d never heard of this Ellen Page girl that plays Juno, but she’s pretty ■■■■ funny. And Michael Cera is always hilarious, so that alone makes it worth seeing. Pretty much everyone in it does a good job.
I saw it a short while ago after much peer pressuring, and I really liked it. I tend to like movies with no redeemable qualities to them whatsover (lots of stuff getting blown up, internal organs flying around, etc.), but I really liked this one.
I liked it so much that I saw it again a few minutes ago
I think you are so incorrect in saying that. I think a good majority of the movie has to do with acceptance, the pregnancy is merely a test for other characters. I don’t think any preteen girl will watch that movie and after seeing what Juno goes through say “pregnancy is all about tic tacs!”[quote=motionman95;2357291]I hated it. They could have gotten the same message across if they put a giant billboard across the screen for the whole length of the movie saying “TEEN PREGNANCY IS OKAY. SO DON’T BE WORRIED IF YOU HAVE A BABY AT AGE 12” Personally, I don’t think they were sending a good message to teens. At ALL. [/quote]
why would a preteen want to have a baby after juno? because they know that someone will still love them afterwards? I hope that’s true whether or not they get pregnant anyway.[quote=motionman95;2357295]That’s youurrrr opinion. :proud:[/quote]
Why is it that only idiotic conservatives like you manage to so successfully and frequently find these sorts of ‘corrupting’ messages in perfectly innocuous popular culture materials?
You’re neither old enough nor intelligent enough to have a thoughtful conversation about this sort of thing. You just believe whatever you’ve been told by your conservative parents.
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I think the fact that Juno ended being in your “pop” culture is a fluke in itself. I can’t imagine anyone pictured this thing being nominated for an oscar, let alone 3.
Anyway, not to feed trolls, but I thought it was great. If you are trying to find insidious messages, you always will. Is Ironman suggesting that we should be irresponsible and blow up things? Is Batman suggesting we should act frivolously during the day and be a creep at night? Is Wall-E suggesting machine consummation?
[QUOTE=MTsoul;2357315]Is Ironman suggesting that we should be irresponsible and blow up things? Is Batman suggesting we should act frivolously during the day and be a creep at night? Is Wall-E suggesting machine consummation?[/QUOTE]Yes, yes, yes. :beer2: