Pulp Fiction

I just saw this movie again last night.

I have not seen it since it first came out in 1994. I was fourteen then.

I cant believe how good of a flick it really is. I didnt like it too much back then because I guess alot of it was way over my head.


Bruce Willis is such a freakin badarse. I love that guy. I wish he was my dad…lol

Ever see Last man standing? Now he is unstopable in that flick.

Saw “Tears of the Sun” last night…

long arse movie…

I was hoping for more of an action movie, and got a drama with lots of stuff getting the schidt blown out of it, but that’s okay…

Bruce is good sometimes (5th Element, Die Hard)…


You liked his performance in the 5th element huh?

I just recently saw that. I thought he was alright.

There is something special about that girl with the orange hair huh? OMG I love her…

I thought it was one of the few times he didn’t take himself too seriously…

and the girl…

she is perfect



5th Element was a great film. I liked Pulp Fiction as well. I was the same way with Resivour Dogs, I saw that when it was young and did not much care for it. Saw it again when I understood it and thought it was a good film. :slight_smile:


Yeah. She’s weird though. SHe played in joan of arc too (wasnt as good - she looked boyish)

anyway i love pulp fiction. the music. the time when they hit her right in the bosom with a nice sharp syringe.

but hell the movie is all screwed up - backwards - forwards…

all right let’s not start sucking each other’s dicks right now

[edit: :pope: 800 posts:pope: !!!]

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I thought it was one of the few times he didn’t take himself too seriously…

and the girl…


Rev **

that’s cause she’s croatian…

*Originally posted by pinx *
**that’s cause she’s croatian… **

It dont matter where she comes from.

That girl is incredible

YES IT DOES!!! D*MN YOU!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


Bruce Willis Rocks.

Has anyone here seen “the whole 9 yards” it’s got to be one of my favorite movies ever. It’s just too funny :slight_smile:

that movie is awesome!

Pinx, me thinks me likes you :slight_smile:

NOt a lot of people like that movie, and I cannot see why. I found it so funny - I was howling… :stuck_out_tongue:

Pulp fiction is one of the best films ever made.

Along with the godfather 1&2, Scarface, Resivour Dogs, the usual suspects, Carlitos way and of course Swordfish


( can’t wait for kill Bill )

I liked Pulp Fiction. My favorate part was probably when they were driving in the car and John Travolta shot Melvin in the head, and brains splattered, and Sam Jackson started cussing and yelling. Classic Samuel L. Jackson.:stuck_out_tongue:

Tears of the sun was pretty good, but on the commercials, they said: “It’s Bruce Willis’s best action movie since Die Hard” and after the Die Hards he hasn’t really made another action movie.

Pulp fiction = great
Resivour Dogs = great
Whole Nine Yards = great (for what i was expecting i was really suprised by it. Plus Amanda Peet naked :thumb: )

They are currently making a sequal to Whole Nine called the Whole ten Yards.

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**There is something special about that girl with the orange hair huh? OMG I love her… **

She does those L’Oreal commercials too. And if you can’t get enough of that girl, watch Resident Evil… habba habba Milla! :wink:

Pulp Fiction is an awesome movie! I’m gonna get it on DVD this Friday I think. Travolta is so cool in that one. Bruce Willis too.

I thought pulp fiction was a great movie…I was kind of let down though, because it was built up so much for me (when I told people I had never seen it, they always told me how awesome it was and built it up greater than any movie could possibly be).

Oh well…still a good movie.


I love Pulp Fiction… When it first came out I saw it about five times, it was so awesome. :slight_smile:

I just love the Travolta dance off. :slight_smile: Oh, and that guy’s brains getting blown out in the car. That was hilarious. :slight_smile:

You know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese?

And the beautiful thing is that we really call it ‘Royal Cheese’ :stuck_out_tongue: And before you ask, a Whopper is still a whopper (but all Burger Kings have closed 5 years ago :()

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
Saw “Tears of the Sun” last night…
You mean Die Hard 4??? drools