

has microsoft finally given up on thinking it is the best and dont want to further challenge, and as the saying goes if you cant beat em, join em so what have microsoft done, they have created thier own linux ;( check it out

lol something else for them to make money on. Who would buy a copy of Linux from MicroSoft?

dude thats a april fools joke thats been on the net for about 3 years already rotflmao :beam:

oh god what a stoopid arse i am

lol good call. :slight_smile: I’m tired man, leave me alone!

no your not its jsut a very good prank dont believe me read the side colums so you can see its a fake lol

oh i did after you said something. I should have to begin with… lol :slight_smile:

i do believe you, i didnt at first then i read the side ones and then i knew it was a fake

rotflmao its amazing that page has been on the ent for about 3 years or more already lol :wink: