Linux and it's relation to macromedia :trout:

well this is a conver$ation i accdently started in the talk about your$elf thread. Due to the fact that i don’t wanna have any trouble with Kirupa for anything i have made thi$ conver$ation here. A place were we can di$$ bill Gate$ and everything he de$troyed.

groovy :slight_smile:

Bill Gates is awesome! How can you possibly diss someone for creating vastly superior products? :slight_smile: I don’t care if he copied Apple…which was a copy from one of Xerox’s labs. Computer technology progresses upon innovations built by others.

I think Bill Gates possesses the best business sense of any CEO in our history, and he also takes time to devote time and resources to help others via his Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

Kirupa :ub:

The thing is it’s always the same thing with the start button and such, i think people should look into much more then the Microsoft interface. In a matter i have been able to find a p-Gram that makes the Linux Operating system able to hold every single program that Microsoft can. And because Linux is free, it is the same for that program. I have not remembered the name but should really consider it. C:-)

I think youve over-used the $ sign.

Microsoft is about accessibility - nothing more. Microsoft also makes excellent games, hardware, browsers, and the Office suite of applications! The problem with Linux is its very limited software selection. Even good Linux/Windows emulators can only do a half-decent job of having full Windows compatibility.

I am interested into that program that you mention though.

Kirupa :eye:

I am also a Microsoft advocate.

If Billy boy and his circle of goons never created thier plathera of software I would not be in the field that I am in for sure.

I am not a MS advocate, but then again, I am not a MS basher either. MS systems have a lot more “extras” available, and I don’t have to call anyone to figure out why it doesn’t work.

Also, I don’t have the $$$ to put into Apple (which I would, if I could sustain the $$$… their monitors are outrageous)…

as Kirupa already stated, Linux just doesn’t support enough software, and you have to be a Linux “geek” to use it well…

BG made PC’s affordable. That in itself is enough for me to not bash him.


I think the Mico’s OS is awesome but i really never liked the prez, have you ever heard of him doing any charity’s for the people in a lower income them him? you tell him about the famine in africa and he whould be laughing his head off! I Am a person to look around, and in my travels i have found the master of them all, Linux. I Just wonder if they whould ever make a Macromedia Office for Linux

I’m not a MS basher, but i don’t like their policy much either. But you can’t go about it, MS has such a big marketshare and it will probably never change. Linux will never break through to theaten MS, they will just find a way to beat them down again (as they are doing with the linux servers now).

here is just one of MS’s charities:

I think you will find BG gives quite a bit to people less fortunate.

If you are on top of the hill, there will always be someone who is trying to knock you off, ignoring all of the good done, only expouting the bad…

Personally, I think MacroMedia is a lot worse than MS… and I use their products almost exclusively… when was the last time you heard of any charity from a fortune 500 company?


Microsoft also makes excellent games, hardware, browsers, and the Office suite of applications!


Let me rephrase that: microsoft bought companies who did make excellent games, hardware, browsers, and the Office suite of applications!

Now I agree he’s a good CEO (and smaller companies who can’t face microsoft competition get bought anyway). BUT The microsoft programmers TOTALLY SUCK. Why are there so many bugs and why is windows so instable ??? The world is beta testing windows, but it never comes in its final version…
I wish there were more OSes… I’d happily turn away from Windows. A system which eats up half your memory and keeps spying on you…

well - having said that - Im still running XP. :beam:

I use Windows XP also :slight_smile: If Microsoft wanted to do what apple does - create the hardware for the software also, then MS products will be bug free almost always. When was the last time any program with 30+ million lines of code worked the way it should. I usually do a clean format before installing an OS, I haven’t had very many crashes at all - I guess I’m one of the lucky ones :wink:

Add to it that people have a gazillion combinations of hardware and software combinations that they expect Windows Xp to recognize and solve.

Also, I don’t think you will find anyone who does more to help the plight of the less fortunate than Bill Gates…

Kirupa :alien:

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
** Why are there so many bugs and why is windows so instable ??? The world is beta testing windows, but it never comes in its final version… **

because Bill Gates made a promise to America almost 20 years ago that Windows will always be backwards compatible. In other words, if you buy software in 1990, and you now use XP, it will still work. maybe one of the Apple guys could tell us how many programs work on OSX and OS5…



*Originally posted by mlkdesign *

…I’d happily turn away from Windows. A system which eats up half your memory and keeps spying on you…


He pulles a very true point, Microsoft is always looking in your computer, A friend of mine was searching for a movie on the net, i think it was Spider-man and a loot of Cops went all the way into his job and encirled the poor guy. Coinsidence?

Microsoft wants to know everything about you who you are what you are doing, etc. etc. Whould you like to have a dude standing behind you looking at everything you do? I hate it when my boss leans his fat greasy neck over my head and looks at my computer.

IT’s basically the same thing, UM. without the greasy fat neck.

so you think MS was the one who was looking?

I doubt very seriously that MS cares about that. They do care where you surf, what progs you use, and their own software being pirated…


The question is why does spyware exist? Will there ever be a law that makes the use of Spyware illegal?

Kazaa whould have law Suits up the wazoo!

I have found that Linux has a very strong Immunity to such things :tb:

Just about every time i go on Microsoft i find such a problem to get through all the Pop-ups
and yet, when i go on Linux with out any Pgrams i find it an open alley to search online and just relax on the net

*Originally posted by mlkdesign *
BUT The microsoft programmers TOTALLY SUCK. Why are there so many bugs and why is windows so instable ???

first of all, creating a flawless OS that supports everything that windows does is difficult.

secondly: if they made the perfect OS now, there wouldn’t be that many users eager to step over to their next product. you can say what they want micro$oft ppl know marketing :slight_smile:

btw: you complaining that ppl are spying on you while doing illegal stuff, from work even :wink: lol. Btw most big companies have someone tracking your surfing behavior themselves.

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**because Bill Gates made a promise to America almost 20 years ago that Windows will always be backwards compatible. In other words, if you buy software in 1990, and you now use XP, it will still work. maybe one of the Apple guys could tell us how many programs work on OSX and OS5…


Rev **

None because it has a mac os9 emulator in order to run older apps and it sucks and whats even funnier is that photoshop 7 does not work on any computer that doesnt have Mac OSX so this in most cases means the Crap… i mean Mac user has to upgrade his computer, oh wait thats not possible i mean he has to buy a new computer :stuck_out_tongue: when on a pc you could install it on win98 :beam:


(hides from fellow mac users even though he has a mac :slight_smile: