Microsoft is evil?

Um, I’m reeaaaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyyy late on this one, but could someone just run me back and tell me what all that “Microsoft is evil, they brainwash” was all about :ogre:?

Thanks :ne:

They eat inferior kittens who can’t compete with them without filing lawsuits, and regurgitate the bones and make brainwashing powder. I think you were their first victim Sharif…if that is even your real name before “they” got you :beam:

Its pretty stupid, Bill Gates is just a feirce business man. It really is stupid… im a fan of microsoft by the way

*Originally posted by mlkedave *
**Its pretty stupid, Bill Gates is just a feirce business man. It really is stupid… im a fan of microsoft by the way **

Right, so microsoft using an illegal monopoly to force other browsers/mail clients/office suites out of the market is just ‘fierce business’ then?

The only reason 90%+ of web users use IE, for instance, is because it comes with Windoze. It’s got nothing to do with being better or more powerful.

Microsoft, not only stole there idea for windows from mac.

But also they pick on people that use “soft” in the url. Soo I will not take long or they sue because they used soft. wich happen to be totally unrelated to there site but who cares write? THEY USED SOFT! then they’ll find some legal way to steal it from them

Whoa… they sue people with “soft” in their URL…
:ne: better think about something other than :ne:

no, they sued a kid who’s name was mike rowe, and had or something like that.
Slightly different there, killer.

It’s a free world :wink: People don’t have to use IE if they don’t want to. Mozilla/Firefox are good alternatives that I am sure a lot of people here use also.

Good ideas without fierce business skills go the way of Netscape and every other company that believed that the product alone will succeed in the market place. Eat or be eaten is the motto for doing business and staying in business for 20+ years.

Also, ideas in the tech world get borrowed all the time. Why reinvent the wheel for all of your products?

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**It’s a free world :wink: People don’t have to use IE if they don’t want to. Mozilla/Firefox are good alternatives that I am sure a lot of people here use also. IMO - MS Office is a great suite of programs that are very good at what they do, and IE isn’t a horrible browser either. It’s not as if they are giving us inferior products :be:

Good ideas without fierce business skills go the way of Netscape and every other company that believed that the product alone will succeed in the market place. **

Mozilla is BOMB
everyone get Mozilla.

*Originally posted by Booyaka *
**Mozilla is BOMB
everyone get Mozilla.
:cop: **

that´s what I´m doing right now…:wink:

Nah, they wouldn’t have tried it anyway, I worked for NSI for awhile, and know that with domain names, the rule is first-come, first-serve, if you can prove that you weren’t trying to buy a domain name to be able to sell it to someone who should ‘rightfully’ own it, then you’re in the clear, ie: im Sam McDonald wanted to have, and got to it before McDonalds company did, he could legally own it for as long as he paid for it. I bet McDonalds would pay him a ton for it, but he wouldn’t have to give it up.

in fact, I think something like this did happen…

Where did we first see the GUI?
Where did we first see new Sync program in Longhorn?
Where did we first see new “slate” (looks like a cheap version of brushed metal) styles in Longhorn?

And Microsoft only got big when they did buy their first OS for a couple thousand from some small time company and then sold it to IBM for millions.

Microsoft is single handly ruining my Halo PC gaming experience. The game developers submitted a HUGE patch (including the editing kit, huge netcode improvements, and performance improvements) in mid december, and it still isn’t out. 3 frigging months of “testing” and its not out. They obviously aren’t testing anymore, because if they were still testing they’d still be sending news back to Gearbox of bugs. Nope, gearbox has heard nothing, MGS (Microsoft game studios) has told neither gearbox or the community anything whatsoever. They’re ruining a game with such potential -.-

Perhaps it got filed under “things to screw up”, and hasn’t been looked into yet… what with all the other items in the bin on top of it.

I know its sitting on their hard drives, ready to be released. They’ve already screwed this game up enough. They gave gearbox one year to write a completely new netcode. The netcode’s crap, performance is crap (its DirectX = poor performance unless you have an awesome comp) and the editing kit that was said to come out when the game came out (September 27 2003) still isn’t out. I’m thinking they’re going to wait for Halo 2’s release, which is in the fall, and if they do, Halo PC will already be dead. The lack of support for this game is absolutely sick. But when they do release it, you’ll see me rejoice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**no, they sued a kid who’s name was mike rowe, and had or something like that.
Slightly different there, killer. **


*Originally posted by xxviii *
**no, they sued a kid who’s name was mike rowe, and had or something like that.
Slightly different there, killer. **

The guy settled for an XBox and like unlimited MS training

What, was he selling something under that name? Or did he think he was just putting up a website? I would think that would constitute under the Parody Rulings? :h:

He was doing web design, oddly enough. He was on The Screensavers (TechTV- 7 PM eastern) after the ordeal was settled. He got an Xbox, training, and a trip to Redmond I believe.

What ever happened to Mike Rowe?