ok, im making a site for my clan, ive got basic flash knowledge, ive made rollovers in teh past, but no multiframe ones, i dont know if its even possible, anyways, i want to have text to be 100% alpha, then on rollover fades to like, 75% alpha and then fades back in, all on rollover
as in fading motion tweens? yes, i do, i did the 3 hour tut on macromedia which goes over that, and ive experitmented on my own with it, but im not able to make a button from it so far…
A) You can create your tween inside a movie clip. And then you can use that movie clip on the Over frame of your button timeline (when you double click on the button to edit it).
B) If you use MX, you can use movie clips as buttons. Just put a stop() frame in frame one, then on frame two start your tweens that end in a stop() action. Then on rollover call on that.
I don’t know which verision of Flash you have, so if you want me to go into the Flash 5 way or the MX way any further just say so. The Flash 5 one also works in MX.
well, if i jsut want the text to fade out woudlnt it only be 1 layer?
or should i make the text using photoshop and import? it so its a shape instead of text?
now im running into lots of problems, i convert the text into a movie clip, then i go into movie clip editing mode, and i dont see any alpha box, but if i put the fade tween on the main thing, scene 1, then all the buttons will fade in/fadeout when one gets rolledover
It is in the properties panel (CTRL+F3 in windows).
Click on the object in the frame, and in the properties window is the drop down box.
As for how I did that,
If you look inside the movie clip, you see my tweens, and I labeled the frames (properties menu when you click on a keyframe). Then I put my stop() actions where I wanted it to stop.
Now if you go back to the main timeline and right click on the movie clip and go to “Actions” you can see the actions I applied to the movie clip to make it a button like that.
OMG, i understand now, i wasnt putting the text graphic in the thing, i thought when u made it a grpahic, it automatically placed itself in teh fla, ok, well, now im not quite sure how you got it to be a rollover… i dont see any buttons in the fla u have, and i looked at the actions and theyre just stop()'s…
check out my website and tell me if this is the effect you aim to achieve (on the top bar, rollover the 4 headings).
You might want to do this w/o any AS except stop().
shagnscoob dont read this it will probobly confuse you more…
Lost, if he wants a button to do this (I think thats what he is saying…) just convert the symbol that you rollover into a button, create frames all the way through, and keyframe the Over frame. Then convert just that frame (Over) to a movie clip and edit in place, and shape tween w/ alpha there. Whip up a Stop() at the end of the tween and your done. You can probobly explain this better, and infact I don’t even know if that’s what you are trying to do…
Yes, I did mention that way earlier, but I didn’t go into description on how to do it.
In my opionion the movie clip way is actually easier. But maybe that is just because I only use movie clips as buttons now :-\ I probably adapted and now I think it is easier than it really is.