i have a problem with some music loops that I have on a website I am making for a composer. He has made them himself, they have no failures in terms of empty space in the beginning or end or cut too short when he listens to them. However most of them still don’t loop well when I use them on the site. I load them as follows:
[AS]myLoop.loadSound(“melo.mp3”, true);
myLoop.onSoundComplete = function() {
They are all very short max. 5 sec.
Does anyone recognize this problem, or simply know a good way to avoiding the problem all together. I have considered making small swf:s with the music instead of having them as separate mp3:s but it does save me time not to do it and so far when i have tried I haven’t been able to edit his files in Flash for some reason.
I would be very grateful for info/help!