Mx scrollbar - export in first frame help!


I am using the mx scrollbar component for the first time for a new site i am working on. Got some problems…

the issue is that i have a preloader on the first scene (i know scenes are rubbish, but that’s what it is).

I have used this preloader many times before, no probs.

But now that the scrollbar is involved, the size of the first frame of the swf file is quite large, and it means that there is a time gap before the preloader graphic starts.

I don’t like this as some people may feel nothing is happening and i like to make the viewer to feel comfortable that things are happening.

I realised this was due to the scrollbar, which is exported “in the first frame” at runtime. I unticked this option hoping it would reduce the size of the first frame to just the size of the preloader (2kb). It made little difference.

Anyone know how i can get past this? I want the preloader graphic to start as quickly as possible, and then load all the content.

I know quite a lot about preloading, but not much about how mx components work (or the linkage parameter as a whole).

Anyone got any ideas? I don’t want to use another scroller because this was the whole joy of mx (or so i thought).

any suggestions, comments are appreciated.


Well as you just found out… components suck. The scrollbar component alone uses 82 symbols and beefs you file up 22Kb.

But as for the problem with exporting to first frame. That option is because your objects MUST load before being pulled out of the library (via attachMovie()). The way around this is to take the scrollbar component and put it on the stage (off to the side where you can’t see it) BEFORE you actually have to use it, that way when it gets to the one you use, everything should be loaded.

In theory…


i’ll check it out later… i’m really tired so i’m off to bed!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, I will have to take a look at that later as well… seems interesting.

yup. good luck :wink:

see ya =)

goodnight kax.

goodnight!? are you kidding me!!? it’s 11:00 am here :stuck_out_tongue:

but thanks :wink: =)

*Originally posted by kax *
**i’ll check it out later… i’m really tired so i’m off to bed!! :stuck_out_tongue: **

Well I am not in Mexico now am I? By that statement I thought it was later there, I don’t know the timezone offset from here to there.

Sorry. Then just take care afternoon sleeper :stuck_out_tongue:

All you need (but always wanted to ask ) as here:

cheers eyezberg,

I’ll check it out later.

Thanks to beta as well.
