Preloader Problem

Hi guys,

I’ve been tackling this for a while now and I can’t seem to find the right solution… so I decided to start looking for help…

I have a text box with a scroller and even thou it’s only 6kb after compress my client wants a preloader…

My problem is not with the code for the preloader itself… or at least I don’t think it is but the fact that when I test the movie Flash MX preloads all the content… including preloader while showing the status as being in Frame 0… then when loaded it moves to Frame 1 where my preloader comes up for just that frame and then goes to Frame 2…

I’ve tried converting the textbox and scroller into a Movie Clip and checking “Export for ActionScript” and “Export into First Frame” and all other variations of that… including not even grouping them as a Movie Clip… but it seems that no matter what I do Flash MX always preloads everything including my preloader in this imaginary Frame 0…

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong… I’m approaching my deadline and this is making me very nervous and it’s frustrating…

I would kindly appreicate your help

“Export into First Frame”

First frame isn’t Frame 1. It is Frame 0. This is causing your delay before your preloader plays. Everything you have export to there loads before your Frame 1 loads, which causes the delay.

PS: And don’t crosspost the same question in multiple sections!

“Export into First Frame” and all other variations of that… including not even grouping them as a Movie Clip…

yes… and as you could see i tried unchecking that option as well… but the result is the same

What code are you using for your preloader?

I reread what you said and you say your preloader is on Frame 1, and your movie starts on Frame 2.

So I am wondering how you are looping your preloader so it is displayed until the content is loaded. It all depends on your code here though.

well it turns out the problem is that Flash MX for some reason always preloads the scroller object at Frame 0… did a couple of tests and it worked with images and other components but as soon as I add scrollbar… boom… Frame 0…

this happens even if i go to library and uncheck export in first frame which is checked by default for every single skin object under the Folder that comes up for the scrollbar…

now I’m guessing flash somehow ignores the fact that I unchecked it… or something weird like that is happening cause I sure dont have an explanation…

anyone know what to do at this point?


Well if you uncheck that Export to first Frame then your scrollbar shouldn’t show up at all. Anything that is called into view from the library directly must be loaded into Frame 0 first.

There is no way around that.

wow… so what if I was making a site that had 100 scrollbars on it… would a user on 28.8 have to wait 3 hours before he even sees my preloader?.. lol… that sure doesnt make sense to me…

can anyone confirm that there’s no way to preload a scrollbar?

forgot to mention that I really like your PS work beta

Well no, if you use 100 scrollbar on your site (which I sure hope not) you only have to load the objects it uses once. Each scrollbar uses the same objects in the library, so once they load they load, you only have to do it once.

And thanks for the compliment on my PS work :beam:

dont know if this will help but I was having the same issue with mx and my preloader, what I discovered was that I had double coded the frame,
what I mean is I had script on both the frame and with the preload clip which was making the same frame zero loop.

it can be quite frustrating,

good too explore all options,

hoped I could help, with out giving any attitude:trout: