ok i had this preloader and in my file i had components of the scroll bar.
the preloader didnt kick in untill 21kbs were loaded, so the problem was that the components had been linked to load on the first frame or whatever!!
so i removed the linkage, now the preloader shows from the very beginning but this time the scrolling bars and components won’t load when the dynamic text loads. For some reason the scrolling component dissapears.
how come :q:
ill give 2 flas for u to look at, with and without linkage!!
i haven’t even downloaded you files but … do not use components !! components always bring you more troubles than they solve …
it’s not difficult to make the scrollers. there’s tut here at kirupa [size=1]i think …[/size] and millions and millions of open source fla’s at flashkit
I found it out by accident, that is one thing that definitely sucks about them. Especially because they beef up your file size a few Kb. And all of this has to load BEFORE your preloder…grrr.
yeah … it makes your preloader completely useless :hair:
seriously … macromedia should change that stupid thing because sooner or later components will disappear because of it [size=1]honestly … i really don’t think they would disappear :P[/size]
I don’t think they will disappear either. But I hate having to export to frame 0. If they can’t fix that, they should at least have a way to add a preloader before that content, so everything can load.
Especially since the scrollbar component alone as 82 symbols contained inside it. And the listbox and combobox and such use the scrollbar component inside them alone with all the symbols needed to make that component. It is nuts.
ok, thanks guys, i am guessing it’s not a good idea to use the component. This was my problem too. Ok, Just a quick question. I was gonna do Flash News tutorial instead of text scroller. But it will use component also. Does it mean my preloader won’t work either? or have you guys tried the preloader with the flash news?
If you are talking about the headlab news flasher, that component is all actionscript based, it does not interfere with your preloader I don’t think.
And I am not saying don’t use the scrollbar component, I know making scrollbars that accurate and like an OS scrollbar is hard to do in Flash, but if you don’t like the delay, there is nothing you can do about it :-\
Yup, I don’t think I like the DELAY. By the way, I just tried the flash news components…and i don’t like to wait, so I will use it instead of scrollbar. It works with the preloader but not to forget to uncheck the Linkage options
Frame 0 is the imaginary frame that causes all this delay trouble.
When you choose to Export for Actionscript, the checkbox for Export to first frame is default checked too, this needs to be checked.
What this does is causes the item to export to the imaginary Frame 0, this frame of course loads before the very real Frame 1 of your movie, so anything in there loads before your movie, including your preloader, causing a delay.