I have a slow preloader…So I red all the threads about that problem! i learned that I must remve “Export in first frame” label from the properties of all the components that I might use…I use only a scroll bar in my movie…
So I removed that option from the scroll-bar’s properties, but STILL it loads in the first frame…
I don’t have music or anything big or complicated that must be exported in the first frame, and I also have checked all my symbols…None of them has the setting to load in the first frame, so i came to the conclusion that the scroll bar is stuck there despite all of my efforts…
Any way to solve this???
There should be a folder in your library called ‘Assets’ or something like that. In there, there will be loads of movies, all with ‘Export in first frame’ checked. You must uncheck all of them as well.
Nope…There were 3 movies checked for exporting in first frame…
I unchecked them but still nothing…All other movies, are not for the first frame…Very strange and annoying…Now I’m trying to move the preloader in Scene 1 and the movie in Scene 2…
Do you think that’ll help?
Scenes blow!! Soooo many issues revolving around with scenes. I wouldnt bother with it.
As for the preloader issue you only need to disable the ‘Export in first Frame’ option for the acutal scroll bar component, dont need it for all the mc’s, barely makes a difference.
How big is your total swf size? It could be that your preloader is bigger than your content?? Stick a mp3 or something in your main content then test your preloader again.
Well…The file is 73K…The preloader is 2k(very simple one)
The BIG problem is that when I uncheck the Export in first frame option for the Scroll bar - it doesn’t load in the movie! How “cool” is that! I’m so agravated! I worked 10 hours today to solve that problem! When I see the preloader bar start from 37% instead of 7% for instance, I feel that I’m freaking out! ;o) I don’t want users to stare at the screen for 5 or more seconds (on low connections) and to not know what is happening…So, again! Any way arround that?
If you just uncheck the export option for the scroll bar component in your library and nothing else it will load. But parts of it will still load before the first frame, but you’ll be ditching around 8kb by unchecking, so thats good. I think theres like another 7-8kb that is loaded in the first frame.
Best thing i can suggest, which i do when i dont feel lazy ;), is to make you own scroll bar. Its really not difficult at all. So give that ago.
Did that! And it worked! But you know what is “GREAT”??? That all the globalStyleFormats that I have set for the ScrollBar don’t show! And I just can’t have a plain gray scroll-bar in the movie…
The whole concept goes…lets say away…;o)
Any thoughts here! And for me it’s not so easy to make my own scrollbar because I’m really not so fluent with Action script and when I read a tutorial I can’t understand a thing clearly, and I don’t like just to copy and paste! Do you know where i can find a good scroll bar tutorial (skip kirupa and virtual-fx.net)
I dont know, maybe i’ll write one…