Flash MX is the newer version of Flash. I hear it surpasses Flash 5. I can’t say I know becuase I never used Flash 5. I’ve only used Flash MX or Flash 6 as it’s aptly called. Anyways, if Mx is newer and therefore(hopefully) better then why do folks still use 5 insted?
It’s all about the Benjamins…
Not alot of peiople can afford the upgrade to MX so they stick with their true and trusty 5. Which… Flash 5 isn’t all that bad… You can still mess with it alot and do alot with it…
Personally though… I like my MX better… hehe… The drawing api alone has gotten me hooked with it…
but you can code MX files in Flash 5 as well. Common uses are loadMovie with a jpg - something which will work fine with a Flash 5 swf when running in the Flash 6 player. But, should you want to use the drawing api, for example, you could still write your movie in Flash 5, scripting it as you would if you were using MX (assuming youd know how to even though you might not have it). Then publish it, and open the .swf in a hex editor and change offset3=0x3 from 05 to 06
for example, the very first set of 4 pairs will look somethign like:
46 57 53 05
Changing that last pair to 06:
46 57 53 06
will make that flash 5 swf a flash 6 (MX) swf meaning the lineTo’s or whatever flash 6 functions you used will be recognized and processed in a flash 6 execution (and not played as flash 5 when seen in the flash 6 player)
Hmm… That would be great sen…
But For someone like me… Who Test his Movies out constantly… lol… That would be a royal pain in the behind…
But that is a really interesting theory to bring up and it looks right. Cool deal man… There you go Flash 5 Users… You just have to get the hex editor part down and you basically have Flash 6 compatibilities.
Good Job Sen.
Yea, just dont mess around too much with a hex editor. They can really screw stuff up if you dont know what your doing.