My Big Fat Greek Wedding : cha-CHING

Its out on DVD.
Its been in the theaters for like a YEAR.
It made over $1 mil in the theaters just this past week.

I dont get it.

it was a good movie, what’s not to get?

It’s a good movie but there’s been better…

:-\ I think that’s what he’s getting at.

yeah its a little unusual for a movie of that genre and not being all THAT great to have such a presense. And the only reason its made so much money is because its been out so long. It, unlike other movies which are out only for 2 or 3 weeks, was able to sit through all of the movie lulls and take in movie goers who would otherwise think “theres nothing good playing at the movies right now”. With its recent “fame” and even a sitcom spin off theres more hubub and its getting more attention and even more people are apparently? going out to see it. Nia Vardalos even admitted she had no idea it would be such a hit. And shes right, it wouldnt have been if it had a normal theater-life. Just seems odd. There are a lot of underrated movies out there that could have ridden a similar wave which deserved it more. Just one of those weird capitalist/hollywood flukes I guess. I dont know.

Yeah really… Kind-a like the Blair Witch Project… Got alot more attention than anyone thought… :-\

yeah thats true heh… I think a lot of the draw on that one was that it was made with such little money to begin with (I dont live too terribly far from where it was filmed).

crazy movies.