Has any one seen this movie yet. I watched it tonight, with my parents, my brother, and his Girlfriend. There are some parts in that movie that make it weird watching it with your parents:stunned: .
I thought the movie was hilarous. :stunned:
Has any one seen this movie yet. I watched it tonight, with my parents, my brother, and his Girlfriend. There are some parts in that movie that make it weird watching it with your parents:stunned: .
I thought the movie was hilarous. :stunned:
yes, i heard that there was a butt-load of nudity.
I’ve heard a lot about it and hear it’s a great movie, but I still haven’t seen it. One guy i met this week watched it 5 times last weekend. I’m guessing that means it’s good.
oh man - this movie is great
I think I laughed the hardest in theatre at this movie than any other one ever. Vince Vaughn is quickly becoming one of my favorite actors. He steals the movie overall but Will Ferrall is just as funny in some scenes and made me almost piss my pants one time hahaha I own this dvd now - if you get a chance, check out the deleted scenes…
“Why - because your awesome!?” hahaha - if you have seen the deleted scenes you will get that
I hate watching movies with my dad, cause he gets uncomftorable
lmao. I watch movies with my mom all the time. I am so far past being embarassed in front of her it’s not even funny.
Yes, that was a great movie. Laughed my as* off.
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