Me and my Brother share a car (and then my parents use it sometimes … but not a lot) and my brother has been driving the car for about 2-3 years now. Everyday going to work… he hardly ever has to get a ride or take the bus.
I got my licence about 4-5 months ago. And for the past couple of days I had to drive him to work because 1) he forgot to pick me up 2ce from work 2) things came up.
So today he flips out on me saying “Im not paying f******* insurance to be driven around all the time” and i said “so why do I pay insurance for you to drive ME to and from work?” he thinks because 2 times out of the few days he has to get a lift to work, its the end of the world.
He said he has more sinority over me, but thats bull. It’s not my fault you’re older then me. I swear, hes got such bad anger problems… and one of these days, it’s gonna get him in so much ****.
He wakes up, hes moody. the whole day he is moody, and then he goes to sleep moody. It’s the OFF chance that he is not in a bad mood. It’s f-ing irritating as hell.
/end of rant. thank you.