In case you missed the title, I HATE car insurance! SO MUCH!
The rip off bastards at State Farm Insurance in Maumee, Eric Guilloid Jr, is making me pay about $250 for 18 days of car insurance before I go to college. Where I will be very far away and not driving in any way. I told them this, but they just spewed out crap how I still might drive and blah blah blah. My car insurance was due today. I wish I could just send them an envelope full of pubic hairs with their unpaid bill, but instead I plan on just ignoring them until I leave and all my problems go away.
In the spirit of the ordered forum, please follow up with an expose of how much you think it would rock to run an industry that is essentually a government-manadated casino with no winners. I don’t even get free food! Just bills that quickly total up to be much more the worth of my car.
Most people don’t even need it … so they pay THOUSANDS of dollars for no reason at all. But everyone needs to have it to stay legal.
It sucks big time. You pay for something you don’t really even need most of the time. Hell, ALL insurances work that way. And the bigger the city you’re in the worse it is! Car insurance at State College, PA is like $180 or something like that, then you get to Philadelphia, PA and it’s around $260-280 or higher!
I think insurance rates are rediculously high, and something that should be regulated somehow by someone.
I agree that insurance rates are high and that I even hate paying it every month, but what happens when you get in an accident that is your fault? Who covers your car repairs or new car, the person you hits car damages and possibly there medical bills.
It is true that we usually dont need it but, would any of us be able to pay all of those expenses, instead of the monthly insurance or a 500 deductible, to get your car fixed or a new one and not have ridiculous bills from the other person. never mind not getting sued.
Oh no doubt they pork ya every chance they get…it is awful,
but I guess in the long run as a car owner I would rather pay it and no that I am covered at minimum if I hurt someone else then to not be covered at all.
most of that is true, but repair costs are far from cheap, especially regarding cam, valve or transmission issues…
try 60$ each for my new rocker arms the other day, not including installation…
but yes, most, if not all bikes are cheaper than cars and should be insured for less, but it is a good alternative to a car if you live in an area where there isn’t snow and ice in the winter if you wish to save on insurance and gas costs…
on the other hand though, it is alot easier to kill yourself on one… :stunned:
Why not just allow you to avoid having insurance if you can prove you have the onhand income to over $x amount of expenses? That would serve the same purpose, and it would save me much more money.
I am going to guess that if the ridiculous lawsuits over stupid things such as simple rear-enders, running over mailboxes, and other wasteful lawsuits are stopped, the insurance rates probably wouldn’t be this high.
Also, I’ve NEVER had insurance cover anything of worth. Any repair I’ve had to do was wear and tear, and insurance doesn’t cover THAT (at least mine doesn’t).
*Originally posted by Yates *
**Why not just allow you to avoid having insurance if you can prove you have the onhand income to over $x amount of expenses? That would serve the same purpose, and it would save me much more money. **
I have Option 3, and i still have to pay 2000 something a year. Option 3 gives me no coverage for anything, and im still paying an outragous amount of money.
But As i like to think of it, The money will be there if you get in an accident…