My hot girl

Tricked into the thread… sucker… Now read on or face the possibility of banning.

This is just a friendly reminder to read my thread entitled “all kirupian’s please read”.

There are a number of people under the watchlight right now for abuse of the forum rules.

Keep this in mind while posting

a) Racist, or stereotyping jokes are not allowed here. If you attempt to post these, we will ban you.

b) unconstructive critisism is usless to our members and makes them feel issolated from the group. We will ban you for abusing other members. Remember, just because someone asks for a critique, does not mean that it’s ok to tell them their work is ****. You MUST explain WHY it is of poor quality, or you MUST remain SILENT.

Remember people… this forum is a tech forum for friends. If you aren’t being tech, if you aren’t being a friend, then you have no place among us. Get out now before you cause a scene.