My New Rifle

Cool! I didn’t say you had a bayonet! HOW FUN~

lol yeah, the bayonet great! it has somemany differnt purposes like… changing the channel, borrowing moneny from stores, scaring neigborhood kids, its also used as a kitchen knife, and my favorite petting dogs!

wat r u goign to stab first?

runs and hides

you know… i never really liked my neighbors cat…

hey mike, i noticed you were from San Ramon, CA, i was wondering where that is? is it N. Cali, or S. Cali, and if it was close to sacramento

are those legal?

*Originally posted by Spets *
**hey mike, i noticed you were from San Ramon, CA, i was wondering where that is? is it N. Cali, or S. Cali, and if it was close to sacramento **

north, about 1 hour from san fransico

bayonets are legal… here you can have a semi-auto with a bayonet, but it can’t have a detatchable magazine… and thats what we have, you have to load the bullets from the top, but its even easier with the stripper clips!

north, about 1 hour from san fransico

cool, i live 2 hours from san fran.

didnt even see the bayonette, hehe thats sweet.

yup! got 4 bayonets on all my guns in total!

I don’t know, I think this one works too.

Do you shoot animals with it? :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

from what i read, i think he just collects old ones.

but i didn’t read much

we might start going hunting next year, gotta research all the seasons and stuff first.

seems he shoots objects like brakes and stuff.

Ewww :frowning:

yeah… we collect C & R rifles, they are like WWII rifles and sutff (some newer) but they are really accurate, much cheaper, and really fun to shoot

and btw, we were shooting the disk break from 300yds away, and no scopes either, just iron sights

You’re gonna kill stuff with it :-\

It happens.