FYI Sniper Update

the only flaw I see is that this assumes that he could only have bought one weapon from a licensed gun dealer in Tacoma. He could have stolen the gun, bought it from an individual, or Santa could have given him the gun for Christmas (oops, he doesn’t believe in Santa… :stuck_out_tongue: )


If not Santa perhaps it was the Easter bunny reverand?


I don’t think he believes in that either…

Maybe he got it for Ramadah (sorry for the spelling) :stuck_out_tongue:

or maybe he found it on the side of the road… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


The man is a nut, who knows where he got it from.
BTW Phil what happened to the corporate sleazebags who stole the millions of dollars and got no punishment whatsoever? it seems that story has died down …maybe i’m not paying close attention to news…

Only flaw I see in that article is that you got it off the internet. You should never take anything you read on the internet (except from like associated press and cnn) to be true. Heck, i’ve seen a million articles saying how Osama Bin Laden wasn’t the guy behind the WTC attacks, that it was the CIA, do you believe that? Then why believe that the guy has another accomplice?

*Originally posted by NaliWarCowZ *
** Heck, i’ve seen a million articles saying how Osama Bin Laden wasn’t the guy behind the WTC attacks, that it was the CIA, do you believe that? **

ooooh boy…lets not get Phil started :stuck_out_tongue: , btw what happend to your essay?

Correct! The major news channels make me puke…its so controlled and force fed into our mouths…dare i say brainwashed into our minds…

edit: mean major american news channels, BBC and CBC are good

apology accepted :slight_smile:

I thought the CIA had gotten to you and was making you look bad to ruin your reputation! No joke!

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**The plane that hit the pentagon, went 400 miles out of its way, THEN disappeared from the Radar screen for 400 miles, UNTIL it showed up again right before smashing into the pentagon. The only possible way for this to happen would be for it to have flown at tree top level the entire trip back to washington, and still the AWACS America has in it’s skies 24-7 would have deteced them.

The calls from the airplanes were faked; Do a search, Barbara Olsen, faked phone call, and many items will appear. There are literal holes in that story alone which show it to be fraud. She never made that call. Period.

Same with Todd Beamer. And all the rest.

Your all being lied to and it is leading to World War III.


  1. Okay, what i still curious about is the plane that supposedly crashed in Pensylvania, or shot down as some people have suggested. Did the passengers really take the plane down or was that staged for some purpose?

  2. How can it possibly be proven that those phone calls were false?

  3. Why would we be led into WW3?

  4. If they want Hussein dead why not send the top assasin… If it is indeed the government, they could easily take out anyone “they” want! I guess that isn’t as subtle…

It all has to do with $$$$

we are bound to repeat ourselves…


*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
The FBI could not have taken John Allen Muhammeds Bushmaster Rifle at his arrest; Why? See short story below, and double check the info if you desire. There are helpers of Mr. Muhammed and the FBI doesn’t want anyone to know this.

it was obviously a different rifle. recorded as being owned by “Bulls-eye” gun shop in Tacoma. They have no record of it being sold. Muhammed couldn’t have bought a gun legally from a gunshop anyway - they have to do a check and would have seen he had a court order to not own a gun. most likely they sold it to him under the counter, a not all that uncommon affair. the same gun shop is already under investigation for “losing track of” 150 other guns. sounds like it was well known as the place to go to get an illegal gun.

i don’t know which “gun owner” you are talking about. the earlier one you mentioned that he returned? that may have been before the restraining order which said he could not own a gun. not sure. but the gun that was found in his car was registered with Bulls Eye and had no record of being sold to him, or anyone for that matter. and the store is under investigation for missing rifles - 150 of them.

occasionally, a crazy, violent person gets ahold of a gun and shoots people. it doesn’t HAVE to be a government conspiracy.

Yes the act itself may not be a governement conspiracy, but the handling of the information is where it goes awry. Major Newswrothy events, are only newsworthy if they can accomplish something. Ask yourself what the sniper attacks, and the capturing of the sniper(s) has done for our country? If you ask me, it has made us hate Middle Eastern People even more than we already do, it has proven that we are still vulnerable, and that we should move forward with a full-scale invasion of Iraq, and it had paved the path for future legislation to impose tighter restrictions on U.S. Citizens. Its all in how its portrayed. “Evil Crazy Muslim Ex Soldier kills innocent Americans” Now we all must do our part to turn in anybody who dares defy the greatness of our supposed ‘free’ democracy. Pardon me if my thoughts are not polished, but they are flying out faster than i can format them into words.

I like the way your thinking Majeye! Critical thinking is an absolute MUST in this day and age!

i think the government/media connection is way overestimated. why would the press care what “the government” wants? does the govt really have that much control over the press? if so, why do they readily spread as much dirt on any politian they can? why doesn’t the gov’t stop them? mainly rhetorical questions, i’m sure answers can be dreamed up for all of them, but it gets more and more complex. my point is, the press, like any ohter business, is driven by the almighty dollar, not fear. does the government control the media outlet’s dollars? not really. their advertisers do. now that is an interesting conspiracy theory to follow down. when a particular media outlet runs a big story, particularly some big scandal, see who is hurt by that scandal, or who looks good in it, and what connection is there to that outlet’s main sponsors.
stuff lke the sniper, everyone covers because it is exciting and gripping and sells more newspapers and gets more viewers. the worse it is, the bigger the audience. the bigger the audience, the bigger the profit. pretty simple.

exactly bit! and who controls the big corporations that run the news? i hate watching the major american news channels cuz they blitz you with 1 story all day…of course they are 24 hour news channels, buts its as if they are pounding the news into our heads to force us to believe. It makes me naseous. :x

Its both oppressive and subversive. After watching CNN for like 3 min i feel like there is no point to living because they just keep repeating the bad news OVER and OVER and OVER. After a while it just breaks your will to think positively and I think that might be their goal…they always give THEIR opinion and never any other side, plus its so biased it sickens me. :x :x :frowning: :*(

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *

Think Vietnam:

Think Napalm and what do you see?

A naked little 5 year old asian girl flailing her arms and screaming as it burns her skin and she runs from the explosion down the middle of a street. See how that werks?


HMMMMMMMMMMMM. Ever seen that movie “Wag the Dog”? Your quote reminded me of it… :elderly:

this might be off topic, but i heard something last night that was interesting. that in both WWI and II, more innocent civilians were killed than soldiers. that’s always been in the back of my mind when you hear the big outrage when we are bombing something in iraq or afghanistan or something, and a half dozen or even 20 civilians get killed. and the outrage of a couple thousand civilians killed at the WTC. not to make less of that, but in WWII we killed many many times that many innocent civilians. the fire bombing of tokyo, over weeks, killed more than the hiroshima bomb. and we just bombed the crap out of germany. and they bombed the crap out of britain. and we bombed the crap out of france (to save it). there wasn’t even a show of trying to avoid collateral damage. just fly over downtown and hit anything that’s still standing. just kind of put some things in perspective for me when i thought of that.

you know what really bugged me today?

logging into cnn and seeing the earthquake as the main headline (understandably), but right beside that, #2 story of the day…

Winona Ryder’s shoplifting trial!

yes. the stuff we really need to know!