My new site

it is under mad updates…not everything is working…
no contact thingy or guestbook…no audio yet…
i havent finished the tools link…but i just wanna get some early input on it…tell me what you think…
what should i do to improve!!!
also…im trying to get rid of the geocities ads…if you know
how i can get rid of it…tell me!!!
and remeber…it is still under mad constructiosn…i like to call it updates…but most people say construction

I like the navigation, layout, and concept! You should just spend time on fine tuning everything. Perhaps come up with a better color scheme. On parts the black text agianst dark purple background is vey hard to read. Also work on getting the text clear. Should look very good when your finished…

actually…the bg color is a dark grey…not purple…and i was definatly not liking the black text…will change next time i work on it…and fine tunig???what do you mean by that???thnaks

it’s cool. the idea is good and i hope u could arrange the things in a still better way. u can try for an ad less web space.

keep up the good work

where im at its 344 in the morning and im sick. i cant sleep and im bored as all hell. so when i went to your site, i cheked the portfolio sec and looked at the freehand image you have there with the smiley face and that shiznit made my morning. that things got me crazy happy for some reason lol

anyways far as the layout i like it a bit but try to make more of a whole site feel instead of bits and parts here and there.



ohh and center your werk.

edited again***8

try to make the boxes next to the text buttuns, buttons themselves. i keep trying to click the boxes and nothing happens. if you make the boxes buttons as well itll make it even easier for user navigation. just a thought.