My portfolio site check

Hi I just got my portfolio site up and running, and I’m open to any critisism or suggestions.

I love your protfolio site ! its very nice !

-Check your pixel font I canot read it ! its not blury but its very “ugly” embed the font please !

-Nice site with some colors there !

-I like the sound !

-I have a cable and I did not notic your preloader ? do you have one sorry ?

-I like it and I like your 3d work too ! hehe
do you use 3d studio max 4 ?

Thanks alot!
Point taken on the font. I’ve heard from a friend he had problems with the font as well (it was hard to read), so I’m considering changing it. Yes there is a preloader, and the two 3d projects were done on 3d studio max 4.

Thanks again


really nice and clean site. do something about your font, but that you already know so…:slight_smile:

nice preload btw…:wink:

If you must use dynamic fonts, make sure it is embedded.
If you’re not loading data via a source such as .txt file, there are no need to use dynamic fonts.

Very clean, simple site… =)

Also, there seems to be a bug.
in all of the sections, when you click on the round buttons.
Then if you click anywhere on the top section - the round buttons disappear.

Very Nice. I really liked it. But you asked for criticism…
1] I hate the preloader! Change it into something like the sticks(whatever they are) first come( like they already are) and then dissappear one by one like they appear…get it?
2] I tested your site on a Mac and a Windows pc using Netscape and IE but still the font’s are the same…please please do something abt it…I really want to read what you have written in your site (Your clients do too)

Overall nice site but those two things…

that font isn’t a pixel font, its just _sans or verdana set to too small a size. when you zoom in you can see it just fine. just set the font to size 10 of above and it’ll look fine.

Very nice site,

  1. As everyone else said, font so small i can’t read. A nice pixel font will fix that.
  2. the sub menu buttons (the circles) need some more work. They appear to be very jagged around the edges and not smooth round.

On one of the button sub menus you have used some color (blue) which stood out in contrast against the classic black white look. I really liked this touch.

I suggest using something similar on all of your sub menu circle buttons. Possibly as a mouse over effect rather than perma color if you think its too much once you try.

Nice job.

Ah, this monkey is awesome !! Nice done, the site is pretty nice btw :slight_smile:

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I’ve made some changes to the font and a few other things.

Thanks again for the help