My site,just finished

my site -

very plain and could have been done in html. dont know how long uve been designing though so…

I’ll be honest here, no offence meant - input is the only way to improve… that said:

  1. Having your links dissapear on mouseOver is not good design.
  2. Also the popup for your image section isnt right, why not incorporate that into your site?
  3. Needs some sort of color scheme, even the addition of different grey tons would be better. Just too plain.

Keep at it, potential is there.


i like the minimalism of the site, though a minimalist site like that works best when it loads right away. with a loading time like what you currently have, one would expect a fairly comprehensive site. if you had the same site with simple html, i think it would be more successful.

and i agree with the arrangement of the pictures, just because how you currently have them doesn’t do them justice. i noticed that a majority of your pictures are larger sizes but were just resized once you put them on the site. there are two problems with that : first off, it gives the images a rather uneven, pixel-y quality, and secondly, it’s not helping us 56k users who have to wait for these large images to load. i suggest either resizing them in photoshop or using thumbnails.

i seem to be one of the few people who also like having links disappear on mouse over. :pirate: oh well. the site is nice, but could have just as easily been done with html, thus saving those with hyperventilating dial-up connections :ninja:

when ever i do some really elabrite flash site or something with alot of bells and whistles i always end up hateing it for some reason or another. So I made something really simple.