Thanks for the help
I moved this thread to Site Check where it belongs. As for the site, here are the things I noticed.
Some of your images are low quality and pixelated. Try bumping up the quality when you’re exporting out of flash or when you’re saving the images out of whatever image editing program you’re using.
The theme and color scheme of your site is really dull and boring. I would think things over again and come up with a more appealing color scheme.
Ease off on the bevel and embossing of your text in some of your graphics. I think you’re over doing it with that effect.
Also I don’t like how some of your sections opens up in a new page and layout. It’s like going to a new site.
As for the preloader, it’s working. Good luck. =)
my only advice would be not to use Flash for a site as static as that. I honestly don’t see why would you wanna do a flash site when html is more suitable for such a layout. =)
*Originally posted by ahmed *
**my only advice would be not to use Flash for a site as static as that. I honestly don’t see why would you wanna do a flash site when html is more suitable for such a layout. =) **
Because Flash is cool!
I agree with EG!
one wise man once said "… dont use technology for technologies sake. Use what gets the job done. Know your objectives and then customise your solution around those, not around a technology. "… i knew that quote will come handy
As far as some of the suggestions go: The images are not mine. They are downloded off the original site. Until I get the original images sent to me, I can’t clean them up at all. However, eventually they willl be ok. As far as the linking to another site goes, that is the original. Every time I add a page, I relink that to my site. But mine isnt finished yet :P. When it is, they will all do to the same site. Thanks for all the suggestions :).