MySQL-php-xml-flash : Can't render htmlText!

My problem is a bit complicated to explain… I’ll try anyway.

I’m using a php script to convert data from a mysql db into xml, here’s part of it:

echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>
echo "<splash>
// CDATA allows htmlformated text...
while($line = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)){
    echo "<currItem>
    echo "<htmltxt>
<![CDATA[" . $line["htmltxt"] . "]]>
    echo "<imgpath>
<![CDATA[" . $line["imgpath"] . "]]>
    echo "<imgpaththumb>
<![CDATA[" . $line["imgpaththumb"] . "]]>
    echo "</currItem>
echo "</splash>

When you load this php file you’ll get a working XML:

<i>Italic text</i> blablabla... <br />New line....<br />My name is <b>blabla</b>...

So… As you can see, the html-tags are there. But when I load this into flash I get this in the TRACE window:

<i>Italic text</i> blablabla… <br />New line…<br />My name is <b>blabla</b>…

And this in the flash movie htmlTextfield:

<i>Italic text</i> blablabla… <br />New line…<br />My name is <b>blabla</b>…

I can’t figure out where it goes wrong, but my guess is Flash.

Anybody who have had to deal with this and solved it?