Mystery Lines

Does anyone know why these lines come up after the logo is reshaped?

I’m not sure where they came from.

im going for lunch but ill be back soon

Are you doing shape tweens? Those lines might be cut off from the order itself. That is pretty wierd and that’s the only thing I could think of.

Are they guides on a layer not converted to a guide layer ?

get them on stage and highlight them to see where thy live on the timeline…possibly stray bits of a graphic that didn’t get grouped for the tween and therefore didn’t follow with it ???

to answer those questions i’d need to have the .fla with me but it’s on our other computer which is being fixed up so when i get that back ill have a look and let you know


It is a bug that sometimes occurs in Flash. I don’t know why it happens, and since I personally don’t animate much in Flash, I don’t know how to fix it.