Navigation help

I’m trying to create a navigation system…

Firstly, I’m not a pro at Actionscripting (yet) so please bare with me :smiley:

I want to create the navigation in such a way that it works with the [color=Blue]transition tutorial[/color] and also… (here’s the part that’s killing me)

When a button is clicked from the navigation, all of the buttons must be disabled until the requested file is loaded and the opening transition is played. And after the opening transition is played, than the other buttons must be enabled except for the one that was clicked. And when another button is clicked the same process must happen.

So far what I’ve done is inserted keyframes on the main timeline for the different sections and I assigned Actionscipt to the buttons to stop on that particluar keyframe of the parent. The transition with the preloader works fine, it’s just the enabling and disabling of the buttons.

And another thing that I’m struggling with is, the buttons itself.

I managed to script the rollover and rollout part and the release part as well
here’s the coding I used assigned to transparent buttons within movieclips:

	_parent.gotoAndStop(2);  ///Assigned keyframe to one of the sections
	tellTarget('dot1'){		   ///Section indicator]

but I want to also script it in such a way that when the button is clicked another movieclip that’s on top of that button will play and stop on a certain frame to indicate that this is the section that you currently on, since seeing that I want to disable the button after the section is loaded.
[color=Blue]BTW: I’m still using Actionscript 1.0[/color]

Please help me out guys, I’m desperate :cry:

I don’t have the source file on my laptop but a soon as I get a chance I’ll upload it.

Thanks in advance.