Need advice on learning Action Scripting

Hi experts,

I am not a total novice with Flash, but am not very expert with action scripting yet. I was wondering if anyone out there could advise me on a cirriclum or course of study to get up to speed with and eventualy master action scripting. My background is fine art so please be gentle :beam:

Thanks for any advice


go throught the tuts here, and just read and experiment alot. here are some links

of course there are many others.

and ask lots of questions here. We at Kirupa have always had a special place in our minds for the newb flashers and scripters.

“Actionscript, the definitive guide” availiable at amazon and fine book stores everywhere. Be sure to pick up the MX version if that’s what you’re using, as there is a 5.0 version of that book out.

So tell us… what is the first question that comes to mind?

Wow thanks for the encouragement upnaut I’m thinking that perhaps more than straight action scripting perhaps I should ask about what would be the best way to produce a site like I can certainly do the design and animation but am at a bit of a loss as to applying the controls to the buttons and making things target certain areas and so forth.
I suppose (thinking out loud) a work flow strategy would also be important. again, thanks a million


*Originally posted by upuaut *
and ask lots of questions here. We at Kirupa have always had a special place in our minds for the newb flashers and scripters.
Ever think of making a tv commercial for this place? :wink: