I will be fully redesigning and recoding the website http://www.darensberries.com/ soon. The website will need to be updated easily through their secretary so I will need to use a CMS. I think I will be using the ExpressionEngine for this, (other recommendations?). They will also need a blog as well, so I will either use MovableType or WordPress. They website has a lot of content on it, and from what I know they have gathered newspapers and other various items to add to the website. This company is relatively large too, they are a huge strawberry producer in California. I think adding the content will take the longest time.
Relatively speaking, what would you quote for the work listed above? I do not want to undercharge like I usually end up doing…
If you do good work and the company is big enough try for $500+ per page plus programming fees for the CMS. For a CMS I’d charge 250 as a base price then 250 per section they want to edit.
You could go for a base price, or you could go hourly, whichever you feel will make you most money.
If you charge ~$300 page (which is more realistic) what happens if the site takes a looooooooooooooong time? Your time will be worth less, and less
the best way to do it, is both ways, in fact
Charge a low price for each page (~$100) and then figure out an hourly wage to add on top. (I don’t really know your skill level, so thats up to you)
The base price can be your deposit, $500 for a 5 page site for a big company is a good idea. This ensures they’re serious, and it makes sure you do yer job.
Thanks for the response everyone! Yeah I will most likely charge by the hour and then raise it by 20% or something or do a combination of price per page and hourly wage. Will ask for a 40% down payment too.