All these software program languages have different syntax but will compile into the same .machine language and any import/export or plug-ins do this compilation and backward translation.
If you want, you could write it in C and compile it from there.
Ok my bad.
I am wrong, glad to admit it.
Heck, times as bad as they are I’d be glad to make a living flippin’ burgers. I bet if Reverend put his mind to it He’d solve this problem. Seems like it’s been a bee in his bonnet for a while now…
the only way I could get the .swf to look anything like your .png, was to enlarge the size of the button in the png, then export it to flash. Then I scaled it to 95 %… no square edges… it has something to do with the way MX imports bitmaps (FW exports as bitmaps for some reason)…
I then had to import the football shape, convert to symbol, alpha, etc… It would be easier to import the png pieces… IMO…
sorry I couldn’t help. Maybe try to PM 3d-iva… He is a guru with FW… or start a new thread with his name in the title… he will know, if anyone does…