Need help to export from FIREWORKS TO FLASH..!


All these software program languages have different syntax but will compile into the same .machine language and any import/export or plug-ins do this compilation and backward translation.

If you want, you could write it in C and compile it from there.

Okay then,

for now i guess i will create a diferent .png file for each stage and then export to flash…

Anyway, reverend

can you tell if its possible to put sound controls on Dreamweaver ?

thanks again

I was meaning…

that there are people who make their living programming in Lingo, just as there are people who get paid for coding ActionScript, and C++, etc.

pardon me for being semantically wrong.


*Originally posted by filete *
**can you tell if its possible to put sound controls on Dreamweaver ? **

Yes, DW will allow anything HTML and JavaScript will, so … yes…

I really don’t use HTML much anymore… just to display my Flash stuff… so I don’t have the steps for you… someone here will know…


Ok my bad.
I am wrong, glad to admit it.
Heck, times as bad as they are I’d be glad to make a living flippin’ burgers. I bet if Reverend put his mind to it He’d solve this problem. Seems like it’s been a bee in his bonnet for a while now…


thanks again ,

uf!! i think we are going to win the longest post … ehehe

if you want to send me the .png, I will see what happens, see if I can fix it…

if you want…


cool rev!
I am officially a church member again!

great, now… just to get you to join “the choir”




so there it is

is a simple button with a hightlight on top of it …

what happens when i import to flash is that the buttons is cut at the bottom and on the right and the hightlight becames black…!!

thanks for the help…

Just remember I am a recent java freak convert!

It has something to do with the rectangle at the top, the one you have over the button symbol… for some reason, without that, it imports just fine…

I always make my images, then import them… makes for less time overall…


And does it appears cut at the bottom and right ?

yes, the rectangle at the top is the hightlight…


the only way I could get the .swf to look anything like your .png, was to enlarge the size of the button in the png, then export it to flash. Then I scaled it to 95 %… no square edges… it has something to do with the way MX imports bitmaps (FW exports as bitmaps for some reason)…

I then had to import the football shape, convert to symbol, alpha, etc… It would be easier to import the png pieces… IMO…

sorry I couldn’t help. Maybe try to PM 3d-iva… He is a guru with FW… or start a new thread with his name in the title… he will know, if anyone does…


ok ,

am going off for now…!

Thanks for the help and i see you tomorrow…

See you…

P.S- i really want to be addicted to flash so im sure you gonna be a
great help…thanks
