Need help wid a logo!

hi guys! it’s youre friendly host .:urbanjackal:.

there is some major talent on this site! and i was wondering if any of these ppl could tell me what program or tools i would have to use to design my own logo like the one found on this amazing site i want a logo just like this one but with a jackal* instead of the ranger shown
[*a animal like a wolf but wid bigga ears]

some good ideas of what the jackal looks like! (just the picture at the top)

thanks ne1 that can help me even a liitle?
ill keep tabs on this thread!

Nice 1… UrbJ

Photoshop will do the trick, although, for drawing it you might want to use Illistratior. Fireworks MX would work too from what i hear. I use Photoshop, just a filter here and there and you should have it…

I’m pretty sure Shane from Pixel Ranger used a vector based program to draw that logo, probably Freehand or Illustrator and to give it that glow, he probably used photoshop or another similar program. If you’re not familiar with drawing on any of these programs, I suggest you sketch how you want your logo to look like on paper, scan it, open the image in Illustrator or Freehand and lock the image. Then use the pen tool and just trace over your image. I use to do that a lot for logos so I don’t sit there drawing and undoing on the comp. I sketch it, scan it, and trace it. =)

If you are looking for 1 prog…

Fireworks MX will create that logo…

use electrongeek’s way, then use FW to trace, or draw in FW… add filters in FW… export to the web in FW…

but all of the above will work as well…


Hi Rev, I’ve never worked with Fireworks MX before, is it a vector based program like Illustrator? If so, I will check it out.

yes, FW is both a vector and raster prog…works similar to Illustrator, and photoshop …

it is also excellent to optimize for the web (allows a 4 way panel to preview, so you can see whether .gif or .jpeg will get you the best image quality for file size, and which compression/colors are best…

works fantastically with other MM prods (will allow you to edit images directly from DW, and can export to .swf)…

What can I say, it is the only image editor I have installed at the moment…

check it out… I’ve been using it since version 1 (now on 5)…


wow, vector and raster based, I will definitely look into it, thanks Rev. =)

i have 4 and love it! :stuck_out_tongue: although, now i have gotten SO used to layers and such, last time i opend up the old 4 was to use some Eye Candy 4000. I will check out FWMX and Illistrator though…

electrongeek - no worries, any questions about FW, just ask…

mdipi - FW uses layers, just as PS does… your masks and brushes and stuff like that is much more intense in PS. FWMX even has a history panel.

Oh, also, it is extremely easy to make animated gifs, like my avitar, utilizing symbols, and tweens, therefore making them a smaller file size.


Woah! cool! i cant wait to try it! :stuck_out_tongue: i will most likely fall in love with it. i am just to busy to dl the trial tonight. so i will wait till 2m and tell ya how i like it.

When you check it out, do the slicing tutorial which comes with the prog. It is a quick way to create simple web sites straight in FW (writes your HTML & JavaScript rollovers for you).

When you have questions, just ask… I taught FW3 for a while in 1999…


I don’t want to go out of the loop here, Vector programs are used for logos a lot… but…

I was looking at the pixel ranger logo and if you notice the circle around the ranger logo.

It isn’t a perfect circle, you can see some off parts, this looks like the same effect you get when creating a circle in Photoshop, selecting the outline, then going to Select/Modify/Contract and contracting about 10 pixels then deleting the inside.

Well, if they used Photoshop for the circle, they could have very well used it for the logo as well.

Ok, you can ignore me now :stuck_out_tongue:

i thought that fireworks was primarily a raster app, with freehand being the preferred option for vector work… am i wrong here?

and lost, i can see what you mean about the imperfect circle. On the other hand however, when you actually enter the site you see that white shimmer effect over the logo. Usually a vector is used and masked to make the effect, which may suggest that the logo is in fact a vector, so he could just copy it and make the copy pure white. Actually now that i think about it, he could have also just pumped the brightness of a raster copy… hmmm


Hmmm, no clue, just putting in my 2 cents.

The easiest way to find out what programs were used is to e-mail them directly :slight_smile:

Fireworks has always been both raster and vector. Freehand is more like Illustrator plus a bit of Quark.

Just as Director is a step (understatement) up from Flash, Freehand is a step up and over from Fireworks. FW can act very similar to AI and IReady at the same time.

Plus it’s cheap, comparably, anyway…

::end of sermon::


Originally posted by urbanjackal *
** to design my own logo like the one found on this amazing site i want a logo just like this one but with a jackal
instead of the ranger shown

should I go here? mmm

Just one thing I want to add, try and put your own mark on your logo. It’s great to get inspiration off others, and I most certainly do, but you should take that inspiration and turn into your own identity, concept and theme. Maybe you will, I’m not judging, just giving you other possibilities. And I only say this because you say ‘I want a logo just like this one’.

very very true! i got so much insperation from ppl’s flash sites, now i have combined a little piece frome each, and it is looking SO good, best i have dont yet. Thats how insperation should be used…

*Originally posted by *
**very very true! i got so much insperation from ppl’s flash sites, now i have combined a little piece frome each, and it is looking SO good, best i have dont yet. Thats how insperation should be used… **

Good, keep doing that and eventually you’ll find you create your own ‘way’ and use others for inspiration less and less (although this will never be elimated - there’s ALWAYS someone out there will a fantastic idea that you can embrace).

my goal is to finnaly create a cool 3d intro like ultrashock has, not like it, but 3d and cool. I got freehand and illustrator, i dont really like them…:frowning:

*Originally posted by *
** I got freehand and illustrator, i dont really like them…:frowning: **

I’d become friends with them … I got both too and prefer freehand … it allows me to illustrate in freehand and then I just copy and paste into flash …